Ch. 9

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~Joeys POV~

I wake up next to Daniel with no clothes on... weird. Must of just snuggled without clothes?.... I try to get up but feel a slight pain in my lower back... then it all hit me at once..... I LOST MY VIRGINITY TO HIM.... Fuck....

I get the clothes that were on the floor and put them on and limp into the bathroom. I wash my face and see a weird purple mark on my neck... Damnit Daniel. I lift up my shirt and see a trail of love bites and they stop at my waist band..... I stare into the mirror hoping to remember what happened..... then it hit me like a ton of bricks... I remembered in exact detail what happened.... "Damn, he fucked me and my mind" I think while chuckling. I limp back into the bed room and Daniel is laying there on his phone....

D: About last night...

J: Damn Daniel, I'm limping and I have hickeys all over my chest.

D: Sorry? I was in the heat of the moment

J: I mean that's a good thing. I couldn't even remember what happened last night without thinking hard.

D: It was my first time

J: Same here

D: do you want to go to KennyWood today.

J: Sure, hopefully this limp won't seem that noticeable

D: hopefully it is so everyone knows that your mine

J: Daniel....

He gets up and kisses my cheek.

D: at least we know who is top

J: Omg I hate you shut up

D: you weren't saying that last night...

I punch Daniels arm. My face is completely red at this point.

It's Sunday so Daniels aunt, Elena, is home. Me and him walk downstairs and she is cooking breakfast.

E: I heard you guys last night.

D: wait what?

E: Try to be more quiet next time, you kept me up until 2 am, if there is a next time

J: there will be

I smirk grows on my face. I'm not one but embarrassed but Daniel seems to be.

After we're done eating breakfast me and Daniel start getting dressed for KennyWood.

I wear a pair of black shorts and a white button up. Daniel wears a pair of dark red shorts and a navy blue T-Shirt.

We make our way to Daniels car. Before I even get a chance to open my door Daniel opens it and kisses my cheek.

J: Thanks Danny!

D: Anytime Princess

The car ride was silent. The ride was about 45 minutes away. I felt the slight awkwardness between us so I turnt on the radio. Britney Spears! I love her!

I start to sing and I expected Daniel to be weirded out but he started to sing.

J: You like Britney Spears?!

D: who doesn't?! I went to her first tour when I was Eight!

J: omg your lucky! I wanted to go but my dad wouldn't let me...

D: sorry not sorry

J: omg stop with the sass

D: neva

J: your like 10 I swear

D: yeah 10 inches


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