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Daniels POV

It's 2 weeks later and Joey still isn't the same. He hasn't posted anything on YouTube, Instagram, twitter, or tumblr. I'm starting to get worried about him but I know he won't talk to me properly.

I get shaken out of my thoughts as the teacher at the lemonade stand spoke into a microphone.

Teacher: it's currently October 21st and you know what that means! The fall dance is coming up soon! The dance is on November 11 and tickets are $10 a piece. Joey Graceffa and Daniel Preda were chosen from the student council to sell tickets. So will Joey and Daniel come up to the lemonade stand to get ready?

I see joey roll his eyes and stand up. He waits for me to get next to him and he walks with me to the stand. He opens a money box from under the stand. And sets it down.

Daniel: so how are we going to do this.

Joey: you announce what tables come up and I handle the money and tickets. Are you ok with that sweetie?

Daniel: yeah I guess

I turn on the microphone and say "Monday Tables if you want to buy a dance ticket come up."   

Around 30 people stand up and wait in line. Great, just great, more unneeded stress on Joey. This is going to be fun...

I called the last of the tables and joey closes the box and locks it. He hands the key to the teacher and puts the box under the lemonade stand. He sighs and goes back to our table. I sit across from him because he looks like he doesn't want to be bothered with. He looks up at me and pats the seat next to him.

D: you want me to sit next to you?

J: yes please...

I stand up and sit next to him, he puts his head on my shoulder and sighs.

D: what's wrong J?

J: the dance...

D: what about it?

J: I don't know if you wanna go and if you don't go I don't wanna go...

D: aww baby... I'll go. Ill pay for the tickets. All I want is for you to have a great time ok?

J: ok

Joey looks up and me and kisses me cheek. That was the first "kiss" we had ever since the thing.... I think he is getting better but I don't know.

D: Joey... can I see your wrist?

J: baby. I haven't been cutting. But if you wanna see them go ahead.

He holds up his wrist and I don't see any new scares.

D: I'm proud of you J

J: thanks Danny.

After lunch

It's currently computer class and this girl comes up to me and taps me on the shoulder.

X: hey Daniel!

D: do I know you?

X: I don't know... my name is Brooke.

D: oh well hello brooke. What do you want?

B: I was wondering if you want to go to the dance with me...

D: I'm sorry but I'm gay... and have a boyfriend, and don't know you too well. So imma have to pass.

B: oh ok. Do you know if Joey Graceffa is available?

D: he is not. He is in a relationship. With me. And is going with me, his boyfriend...

B: damnit. Well bye then

No Strings Attached; Janiel FanFiction [COMPLETED ]Where stories live. Discover now