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Joeys POV

Daniel went to the store so I'm home alone right now. I'm sitting on the couch watching T.V to get my mind off of everything until my phone rings.

J: Hello? Who is this?

N: is Nicole... don't you have my number?

J: yeah I forgot to check the caller ID... what's up?

N: well I came over around 3 last week but I heated screaming, yelling, crying, and glass shattering. I assumed that you and Daniel were fighting so I left...

J: good idea so are you going to come over today?

N: actually I wanted to go to a restaurant because I'm hungry. Are you up for that?

J: sure just pick me up when you can ok?

N: ok. Bye love you

J; love you too

I hang up and text Daniel.

J: hey I'm going out with my sister today

Daniel replies immediately

D: ok have fun. Love you ❤️😘

J: will do bb 😊 love you 2 ❤️

I toss my phone on the couch and run upstairs. I open my closet and get a long sleeve white shirt and black skinny jeans. 

I go into the bathroom to get a shower. Then I remember I need to FaceTime Daniel when I get in the shower then FaceTime home when I'm done. So I run down stairs and get my phone.

I FaceTime Daniel and he answers immediately.

J: getting in the shower baby

I walk up the stairs as Daniel talks to me.

D: show me your wrists...

I show them to him and sigh

D: now your thighs...

I pull up my shorts and show both of my thighs.

D: Joey. Don't forget to call me when your done ok?

J: I won't.

D: I'm at the store right now with Elena so I should be back in an hour ok? Also I'm getting something for you so don't be back too late. Love you

J: bye love you too

Daniel hangs up and I sigh to myself.

I get undressed and get in the shower.

(I ain't finna write what you do in a shower. Y'all bitches should know how to shower. If not hmu and I'll teach you 😂)

I get out and dry off. I wrap the towel around my waist and call Daniel.

J: I'm done...

D: ok babe. You know what to show me

J: yeah

I show him both of my wrists and my thighs.

D: I'm so proud of you sweetie.

J: it's a work in progress... my sister just texted me. I gotta go. Love you

D: love you too

I hang up and throw my phone on the bed. I get dressed and do my hair.

(Again I ain't finna explain how he gets dressed, does his hair, and brushes his teeth. If you don't know how, again hmu. 😂)

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