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Joeys POV

I pull Daniel out of the gym and through the school. I basically jump up and down and waiting for him to unlock the car. I jump inside through the window because he was taking too long.

He opens his door and looks at me.

D: you have never been patient have you?

J: it has been like 5 months how didn't you know that?

Daniel shakes his head and starts the car. He buckles up and looks at me. I tilt my head because I was confused why he wasn't going. I look down and see that I haven't buckled up yet. I shake my head and pull the seat belt over myself and buckle up.

Half way down the road I get a phone call. It's Shane again...

Sh: hey Joey I have a question for you...

J: yeah what's up?

Sh: do you wanna come to Karina's fall party tonight? Everyone wants you there!

J: remember the last time I went to a party?

Sh: just don't have sex this time...

I look at Daniel and he shrugs his shoulders. I smirk at him and look back out the window.

J: we'll be there around 7

Sh: see you there.

Daniel turns the car around and starts driving to Karina's house. I sigh and look at Daniel.

D: what's wrong baby?

J: I'm scared something bad is going to happen...

D: your not going to get anyone pregnant again... not on my watch

J: still I have that feeling in my stomach...

D: don't worry about it babe you need to put yourself out there... you should vlog, people will watch that

J: good thing I always have my camera in this car...

We arrive at Karina's house and I pull out my camera. I throw on a fake smile and start my usual intro.

J: ahh good day everyone! Im sorry for the long 3 week break but I'm back! I'm at Karina's house a good friend of mine and it's a huge party for everyone in 12 grade. I'm here with Mr. DannyBoi.

I point the camera at Daniel and he walks over to me. He gives me a kiss on the cheek and I smile.

J: let's go!

We walk up to the door and we already hear loud music. I smell weed and alcohol already.

I open the door and point the camera at everyone. They all jump out of their seats and yell "AYE JOEY!" I point the camera to my self and say," this is going to be fun!" I turn the camera off and slide to in my back pocket.

Daniel holds my hand as we walk over to the couch. I sit in his lap and face him.

D: Joey we are in public...

I look around and see like everyone making out with someone.

J: baby... do you see all those people. So what if we do it.

I lean in and kiss Daniel. He holds onto my waist as my arms make up way up and hang on his neck. His tongue slides along my bottom lip and I smirk into the kiss. I hold the back of his head and let him inside my mouth. His tongue slides inside and is exploring everywhere. We stay there making out for like 15 minutes until Shane taps me on the shoulder. I jump up and hold onto my chest.

No Strings Attached; Janiel FanFiction [COMPLETED ]Where stories live. Discover now