Ch. 4

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~Joeys POV~

I call my dad and he says I can stay over Danny's, I squeal a little on the inside but I try to keep my excitement tame.

Danny wants to tell his aunt and he wants me to stay in the living room. I listen and sit on the couch.

Damn I never noticed how rich Danny was.... His aunt was known to be the richest person in the whole town, in not poor but he is WELL off.

I look around and see a crystal chandelier, a lot or China, a flat screen tv. I walk over to a deck and see a MacBook Pro, A apple computer, and about 3 iPads, I was about to look and more until I hear. "JOEY..... COME HERE!"

I walk slowly into the kitchen, admiring the whole house the way there. I see Daniel and hug him, "Does she know Danny?"

Elena Me and Daniel talk for a while, I don't really pay attention because I want, no NEED, Daniel right now.

I look at him with a devilish grin. "I know what your thinking joey, don't do it..." Daniel says.

I jump into his arms, him barley catching me. I giggle and he carries me to the couch. He leans in, I think he was going to kiss me but he whispered, "You deserve this..." I tilt my head in confusion.

I smirks and tickles me. "DANNY....PLEASE.... STOP.... IM GONNE DIEEE."

He stops and says, "I will if you pay me..." while grinning. I smirk and say, "I will, if you carry me!" I put my hands up like a child wanted to be carried.

He picks me up bridal style and I kick my feet a little and giggle. He carries me up the huge stair case and I look up innocently. We hear, "JOEY DANIEL, IM GOING OUT TO DINNER WITH MY BOYFRIEND! DONT HAVE TOO MUCH FUN!" I blush and Daniel says back, "I'll try not to.."

We make it into his huge room and he pushes me on the bed. I giggle while he crawls on top on me. "Do you want me to pay you Danny?" I say. He doesn't answer but he kisses me softly. I start to kiss back, we pulls away and says, "I don't know what I'm doing...." he gets off and sits on the edge of the bed with face in his hands.

I get up and take his hands off of his face. I sit in his lap and say, "follow every move I do Danny." He looks up and smiles. I kiss him, he immediately kisses back. I start to push him down on the bed. I am not sitting on top on him. I start to put my tongue on his bottom lip. He wasn't opening up so I grab his clothed dick to make him moan. It worked and he opened his mouth. I let it go and stick my tongue in his mouth. Our tongues our exploring each other's mouths. We both pull away breathless.

He says, "Not to be awkward or anything, why did you grab me?" I feel myself blush and I finally said, "You were playing hard to get, so I had to help you open your mouth." I grin.

He says, "I've never heard you play." I look at him and say, "You haven't? Oh yeah I forgot you just moved here and it's July, well I always play at school and stuff. You will hear then."

D: "I wanna hear now :("

J: "you have to wait."

D: "No. Joseph, I want to hear you play."

J: "I said no Danny"

"Fine" he says while walking over to me and sits on my lap.

~Daniels POV~

Joey wouldn't let me hear him play so I plan on punishing him. I walk over and sit on his lap. I look at his lips and then look him into the eyes.

I kiss him roughly, he smirks into the kiss and he kisses back.

My hand slowly makes my way to his thigh. I smirk and keep kissing him. I make up up this thigh and touch his clothed dick. Me moans a little so I slip my tongue into his mouth. I start rubbing my hand and he tilts his head back to I suck on his neck.

H smirk and get off. He looks up at me kinda shocked and pissed. "WHAT WAS THAT FOR?" Joey says. "Well I needed to punish you because you wouldn't let me hear you play." I say while I put on sweat pants and get in bed. He groans as if he was frustrated. He frowns and says, "What an I supposed to do with this?!" He says while pointing at his half hard dick. "I shrug and say, "figure it out sweetie..."

After about 15 minutes Joey comes out of the bathroom. Happy as can be. He jumps into the bed and snuggles next to me.

A/N. hai :)

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