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Joeys POV

It's the next day... I felt like I left a part of me in that hospital. I don't feel right with out Liza. Daniel is my other half but without her I'm just falling apart.

I look up from the couch and stare at the ceiling. I have a feeling she is watching me. I whisper, "Liza... I'm sorry. It wasn't supposed to end like this. Me you and Daniel were supposed to grow old together...why did you have to leave so soon." I sit up and wipe my tears away. I need to stop crying and make my first priority on Emma. Daniel comes out from the kitchen with his car keys.

D: ready to go?

J: ready as I'll ever be...

I sigh to myself and get off of the couch. I walk to the door and Daniel opens it for me. I slowly walk to the car and get in. As much as I want to take Emma home I don't want to see that hospital again.

The whole car trip was silent... Not comfortable. Not awkward. Not painful. It was sad... everything is going to be sad and depressing forever... or at least until I'm ready to move on... which will be a long time. Everything is going to remind me of her. Emma especially... when I first saw her I thought of Liza...

Daniel touches my thigh and I look at him. I show a half hearted smile at him and look back out the window. Staring blankly out the window... just thinking about life...

At home

I carry Emma inside carefully and put her in her crib. She is very tired... I walk over to the bed and close my last suit case.

I sigh to myself and walk back down stairs. I see Daniel sitting on the couch... it's finally time to tell him what's wrong... I am going to do what Liza told me to do... tell him after Emma is born... she is born and I am ready

I sit next to Daniel look at him. He turns towards me and shuts off the tv.

J: I'm ready to tell you what's wrong now...

D: really?!

J: yeah...

D: well I'm ready to listen...

J: I'm sorry to say but it's you Daniel... I'm so blindly in love with you that I don't realize what is happening. I drop everything to suit your needs. My whole life is falling apart. I stopped talking to my real friends for you. I stop everything I'm doing just for you... and you never do the same. I'm leaving you and taking the baby Daniel.

I stand up and wipe my tear away. Daniel stand up and looks me right in the eyes. I see a tear slip down his face and it hands on my hand. I shake my head and turn around. I don't need this right now. He grabs my shoulder and turns me towards him.

D: baby don't... can we talk this through please? I don't want to lose you... I'll be better I promise. I'll do anything you want me to do baby... just please don't leave me... not at a time like this...

J: we have done enough talking Daniel... at first we knew how to make each other happy and make each other whole... but here is the thing. Throughout high school, dance, fame, fights, the pregnancy, and the deaths we forgot how to make each other happy.

D: Joey....

J: I'm not finished... what we had 11 months  ago died along time ago with everyone else. I know I'm throwing away a whole 11 months of a relationship. But it's for the good Daniel don't you under stand? We needed each other for a while but then we didn't. We don't need each other anymore. We are tearing each other apart and you aren't realizing it. You are always in your lala fucking land and never know what's going on... when I'm "thinking" I was planning on ways to leave you. Don't you understand I'm not happy daniel? Crying myself to sleep everyday isn't fun, dreading the times when Liza had to leave and I had to be alone with you to listen to your bitching... don't you see Daniel... this isn't love... its war. We are constantly fighting to see who is going to win but in the end do you see what happened? We got lost in the dust and ended up breaking up. And guess what? This is a sick twisted game called life.

D: wow... if I knew how you were feeling I would of let you go along time ago... I thought you will always love me... where you just lying?

J: no I wasn't. I will always love you and you will always have a special place in my heart. You were my first love and will always be my first love. If we end up meeting again later maybe it was meant to be. But right now... at this moment... it wasn't meant to be. You taught me how to love, how to be myself, almost everything there was to happiness and then some how... for some fucking reason it all went down the drain when I got famous. I guess that triggered something in your mind that was like, "ohh he is famous might as well ruin his day!" But I know that isn't the case. We just don't need each other anymore. We are always fighting over who is right or wrong. Half the time I make you sleep on the fucking couch because I don't want you to fucking touch me. Daniel I love you... I will always love you... but I guess love wasn't strong enough to keep us together.

Daniel falls to his knees and puts his head in his hands. I sigh to myself and start to cry. I get in my knees and rub his back. Joey... go through with this... he can't manipulate you anymore...

J: Daniel try to be strong with out me...

I kiss his forehead and make my way to the stairs. Daniel runs towards me and turns me around.

D: one last time...

He kisses me and I kiss back. It's slow and long. I pull away and sigh to myself...

J: I'll miss you... but this is the end

I walk up stairs and walk into his room. I put Emma in her carrier and buckle her in. I kiss her forehead and she giggles at me. I tear falls on her cheek and I wipe it off. She blinks at me slowly and tilts her head. I smile a little and whisper to her, "everything is going to be ok.. trust me..."

I wipe my eyes again and walk down the stairs with Emma and 3 suit cases in my hands. Walk out side and put everything in the car.

I go inside one more time to get one more thing... my harp. The only thing that made me happy before I met Daniel. I shake my head and walk back upstairs. Pulling down the stairs to the attic. I look around and find my cream harp still standing in the corner. I smile a little and pick it up. I carry it down the small stairs and set her down. Sighing to myself as i close the door.

I walk down stairs with it and wolf runs up to me and starts biting my ankles gently. I set it down and bend down so I can say good bye. I pick up the puppy and kiss him.

J: wolfie... in leaving. I'm leaving you here with Daniel so he can remember me a little bit. I won't forget about you... I'll miss you

I walk over to Daniel who is still crying on the floor and set wolf next to him

J: you can keep wolf...

Daniel looks up at me and smiles a little.

D: thanks... I'll miss you

J: I'll miss you too...

He stands up and gives me a hug one last time before I walk out of the house. I put the harp in the back seat and move Emma up in the front. Facing her backwards and buckling in the carrier. I close the door lightly and get in the drivers seat. I guess this really is good bye. I see Daniel come out with wolf in his hands. Waving to me as I drove by.

I guess this was really...

No strings attached

A/N the second book should be coming out soon so don't hate me pls. I may or may not of cried while writing this part and it kinda took a while to write it even though it's shit. Are you guys excited for the next book?

No Strings Attached; Janiel FanFiction [COMPLETED ]Where stories live. Discover now