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~Joeys POV~

Everyone has been so nice to me and zoella lately.... everyone else not so much. They laid off of Shane a little bit but they are still as equally mean as they were.

Daniel is trying his best but he can only do so much.... I know I'm not getting picked on but seeing Karina slap Megan's books out of her hand is kinda upsetting....

I sit on Daniels bed and he sits next to me

D: I can tell your still not happy..

J: The bullying of me and zoella has stopped and a little bit of Shane but not really anyone else...

D: I'm trying my best honey

J: I know.... I'm not disappointed in you or anything. I'm proud of you that you even managed to get some of it to stop. Thanks

D: anything for the one I love

J: ugh are you telling me you love Zoella now?

D: yeah too bad she has a boyfriend..

J: I hate you -.-

D: you weren't...

I cut him off and kiss him.

D: saying that....

I cut him off again and stick my tongue in his mouth.

D: your nasty...

J: but you love it😏

D: I do... come here

I crawl on top of Daniel and throw my shirt off. I lean down and was about to kiss him again but my phone went off


D: just answer it... it ruined the moment anyway

J: sorry sweetie

D: we'll make it up some time this week, we both know that

J: yeah...

I get up and see my dads caller ID.

J: I don't wanna answer...

D: just do it

The phone stops ringing...

J: well I guess he gave up?

It rings again and it's my home phone

J: damnit


J: what?

JD: we need to talk... it's important

J: I'm bringing Daniel

JD: ok fine just hurry ok?

J: fine

I hang up and I feel Daniels arms snake around my waist. He kisses the back of my neck

D: were are we going?

J; next door...

D: your dads?

J: yeah...

D: why?

J: he wanted to tell me something important....

D: oh.

I put back on my shirt and slip a pair of Daniels slippers on. I throw on a big hoddie and grab my phone. Daniel holds my hand as we walk down the stair case. It's like 11:00 pm right now so it's dark, Daniel picks me up and I squeal.

No Strings Attached; Janiel FanFiction [COMPLETED ]Where stories live. Discover now