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Daniels POV

I wake up to my phone alarm on the couch. I'm sitting straight up and Joey is on my lap with a small blanket covering us. I lightly shake Joey and he groans and rolls off on me. He rubs his eyes and turns off the alarm.

J: can we skip again?

D: we can't... we have dance practice.

J: oh yeah.

He rolls off of the couch and we hear a small whine. I look under the blanket and see a small husky. Joey picks up a small piece of paper and it says "Happy early birthday Joey!" I hand joey the puppy and he hugs him.

D: do you wanna keep it?

J: didn't you get me a dog but Elena didn't want it?

D: I think but she gave it to you....

J: true, he looks like a wolf... should we name him wolf?

D: it's your choice

J: I like that...

Joey sets down Wolf and we get ready for school. Wolf barks at our door as we are getting ready. I pick him up and put him in Elenas room and he jumps up in the bed laying next to her.

At school

Everyone looks at me and Joey as usual when we walk in school. I see David glance over at us and shakes his head. Joey holds onto my waist as we walk down the hall together.

I lean against a locker and wait for him to get his books. He looks at me and a tear rolls down his face. I wipe his cheek and hug him.

D: baby what's wrong?

J: last night. David is going to tell people what I did....

D: I'll stand up for you ok? So what you do things you don't mean sometimes when we are mad sweetie. Don't let it get to you, if anyone messes with you tell me...

J: I will

I tilt joeys chin up and look him in the eyes.

D: Joey I love you, you know that right?

J: I love you too Daniel...

I give Joey a long passionate kiss. I run my finger long his cheek and pull his waist towards me. He runs his finger through my hair and his tongue brushes against my bottom lip. I pull away at that point because we are at school.

J: damnit, we were getting somewhere.

Joey holds my waist as we walk to 1st period. His hand slithers down my waist and grabs my butt. I smirk at him and give him a peck on the lips.

We walk into first period and see that there are groups of desks. The teacher walks in the room and says "everyone stand in the front of the class. I will be picking your seats for the rest of the year."

I walk in the front of the class and joey is still holding onto my waist. The teacher is calling names and there are 2 more tables left. There are 8 people left. "Shane, sawyer, Dante, and john."

"Fuck" I mumble under my breath. Joey squeezes my hip and the teacher walked over to us.

"I saved the last table for the 'famous people' and the 'couple goals' " and points at Joey and Liza and sits them across from each other and points at me and David and sits us next to our couple.

"Now all of you better get along because I know that internet drama can ruin relationships." The teacher looks at all of us.

D: why did this have to happen to us? I whisper in joeys ear

No Strings Attached; Janiel FanFiction [COMPLETED ]Where stories live. Discover now