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~Joeys POV~

All I remember is my dad screaming my name and Daniel running in.... then all of a sudden I see a light. I know not to go towards it but it's like I'm being pulled.... i start to freak out until my mother appears. She says, "Joey, I love you but don't ever ever ever try to kill yourself again. You barley survived, Daniel saved your life." All of a sudden a mirror type thing shows Daniel giving his blood up, him stumbling around trying to walk, him in a wheel chair, and him looking at me crying. I feel a sudden grief over myself and start to cry. My mom hugs me and says, "run the other way. If you stay here longer you will stay in the after life forever. GO RUN!" As I run I hear, "JOEY REMEMBER I LOVE YOU!" Before opening a huge door a scream, "I LOVE YOU TOO MOM!" I wipe a tear and walk out the door

I try to open my eyes but it's almost impossible. They start to open and I see a another white light. I really think I'm dead now. I look over and see Daniel. I ask, "Daniel? Are we dead?" He looks at me with red puffy eyes and tear stained cheeks. He says, "JOEY YOUR AWAKE!"

J: well were I guess I'm not dead

D: I saved you Joey

J: I know I saw....

D: how? You were dying

J: My mom showed me

D: but your mom is dead

J: It's hard to explain... Thank you

D: For what?

J: Saving my life

D: Never do that again. Please. If you die ever I will have to die to be with you

J: Never leave me again then....

D: I won't

Shortly after that a nurse comes in and says we can leave tomorrow.

About 3 hours of me and Daniel watching some shitty ass show on hospital Tv the nurse says I have a phone call. She transfers the phone call to my room, I answer. "Joey?"

J:Yeah dad?

JD: good your alive

J: better than ever. What's up?

JD: well I'm leaving with Debbie for a while. We are going to Hawaii to get away from this for 2 weeks....

J: get away from what?

JD: you..... I can't handle you almost killing yourself... I set things up with Daniels aunt...

J: Thanks for leaving me at the time I need you most Bastard....

JD: it's not like that... I love....

I cute him off my hanging up the phone. I start to cry and Daniel tries to stand up to help me.

D: you know I would get up to cuddle but it's hard for me to stand up...

J: It's fine sweet

D: so what happened?

J: oh... this isn't the first time this happened. After my mom died I did something similar to this and my dad donated. He wasn't here then and you saved me. He said it was "too much" and he is going away to Hawaii for 2 weeks with his girlfriend, Debbie. He set thing up with your aunt and in staying with you guys I guess.

D: That sucks. Atleast we can stay and snuggle.

My phone went off and my Dad texted me


Hey Joey the reason I'm sending you to Daniels is because someone needs to watch you...

Dad. I really don't care. Go head go away with Debbie and leave me back. I don't like you right now. I'm not saying I don't love you it's just don't call or text me until you are on your way home.

If you wish. I love you 💙

Love you 💛

J:Ugh I hate my dad right now...

D: now don't say that. You never know the last time you'll see him.

J: yeah... in 2 weeks

D: but still, the last thing I told my dad was, "GET AWAY FROM ME YOU HOMOPHOBIC PRICK!" And later that day he died. Never got to say I loved him or bye....

J: sorry about that.


~Daniels POV~

It's around 1:30 when we finally got home so we decided to go to bed.

I have joey a pair of sweat Pants and he didn't want a shirt. I wasn't complaining.

We were all snuggled up in my bed and I started slowly falling asleep...

I walk into the bathroom and see joey sitting there telling me to sit with him. My instinct was to sit with him so I did. He whispers something in my ear and says, "bye Danny" and he stands up and smashes the mirror. He grabs a piece of glass and starts cutting himself. I try to get up and stop him but I can't. I'm just sitting there and watching the color being drained from his body . Then he is all white and falls to the ground. He stands up and his eyes are black and his hair is black and he is screaming at me, "Why didn't you help me Daniel? Don't you love me? You let me die! YOU DONT LOVE ME DANIEL! WHY DONT YOU LOVE ME?!" I scream back, "I DO LOVE YOU JOEY NO PLEASE DONT!" Then he falls down. Lifeless, pale, bleeding. I hear someone whisper, "he is gone Daniel" black tears fall from my eyes and I pick up a piece of glass and stab it in my heart.

I bolt up in my bed startling joey.


D: It was just a dream....

J: oh. It was bad wasn't it?

D: you know I love you right?

J: I love you too Daniel, and I know that

D: don't forget that ok?

J: I won't, I promise...

I kiss him and we lay back down. He Buries his face in my chest. I hold onto him then sleep takes over me once again....

A/N: THE WEIRD PART WAS DANIELS DREAM! Anyway accelerated reading sucks 🙃 we're going to read 2 books at a time and we have extra work from the normal reading classes :)))

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