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~Daniels POV~

Liza: I'm pregnant.

There is an awkward silence in the room. I sit sit there and put my head in my hands.

J: Daniel I'm sorry

D: it's fine I guess

L: we should let Elena know. And possibly Joeys dad

J: do your parent know?

L: *sigh* not yet

D: well Elena isn't coming back until 5 tonight and Joeys dad is coming back at 4. It's 1 pm right know so I think we should tell your mom and dad then Joeys then my aunt...

J: sounds like a plan I guess

L: I'm sorry I put you guys through this. I just wanted to fit in like always...

D: I understand. It wasn't either of your faults it's sawyers....

J: It's really no ones fault but mine. Daniel said not to take it too far. What do I do? Take it too far.

D: don't be too hard on yourself. Your going to be a dad and I'm going to help out with anything you need joey. I'm here for you ok?

He gets up and hugs me.

J: ok...

L: this is why i need a boyfriend.... anyway my mom and dad leave around 3 so we better get going


(Imma call her mom Jenn and her dad Matt)

Liza: MOM DAD!

Jenn: YEAH?


Matt: be right down.

Jenn and Matt walk down the stairs and sit on the couch. Me Joey and Liza sit on the couch across from them

Jenn: Liza what's wrong you look shaken.

Liza: well mom... I think Joey should tell the story because I don't remember much...

Joey: well ok... So me and Daniel and about 50 people got invited to a party. We were playing truth or dare. Sawyer dated me and Liza to have sex. I said no at first but me and her were pressured to do it. I thought I was gay but before we "started" I slowly discovered I was Bi. Daniel said he was ok with it. But he told me not to take it to far. And I got ahead of my self and accidentally "released"....

Liza: and I'm pregnant....

Matt: WHAT?!

Jenn starts to cry into Matts shoulders

Matt: WHY?!

Daniel: in all due respect sir. They were pressured into it and they are stupid teenagers

Jenn; they should of used protection

Joey: it's a senior party. No one has condoms...

Liza: we asked for one but no one had any

Matt: why didn't Joey have any?!

Joey: well it's kinda complicated. I don't use them... Daniel does

Daniel: yeah. I wasn't planing on fucking someone.

No Strings Attached; Janiel FanFiction [COMPLETED ]Where stories live. Discover now