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Joeys POV

Daniel and I want to try out for the high school dance team but I don't know if we can make it. Like everyone is talking about us and shit, kinda hurts but I'm working on ignoring it...

J: hey Daniel...

Daniel looks at me

D: yeah?

J: we wanted to try out for the team but we never prepared a dance...

D: fuck! Well let's check the sight and see what we can come up with...

I get the MacBook off of our night stand and go on and see the dance team auditions

J: they want people to try out in twos so that great.... umm doesn't matter if slow or fast it has to tell a story... oh and the auditions were moved until next week...

D: great so we need to make up a dance in 7 days...

J: yeah but it also has to tell a story.

D: maybe us fighting or something

Daniel rolls off of the bed and opens a random closet with a bunch of junk in it.

D: are we aloud to use props?

J: lemme yeah we are but only one

D: well I have this rope and I think I know what to do with it...

J: let's get started then.

Daniel and I go into the garage.

D: I want this to start off with me dragging you across the stage. Like this

He wraps the ropes around my wrists. He doesn't wrap them too tight so they don't hurt as much.

D: make sure to help me a little so I don't hurt myself or you.

I nod and Daniel pretends to drag me along the floor.

J: ok but before we start we have to pick out some costumes... and song

D: I want them to be black and we can use like gold dust or something on our faces... and the song I like is weigh in gold. Been thinking on making a dance to that song.

J: great

Time skip

Me and Daniel have been working on the dance for about 4 hours and then the garage opens and Daniel drops me off of his back.


I lay down completely laugh a little

J: yeah I'm fine. How did Elena scare you that much...

D; you know I get scared easily...

J: ohh imma have some fun then

D: don't you even dare

Daniel helps me up off the floor and Elena looks at us.

E: I haven't seen you guys happy like this in a while

J: we try. We really do but it's hard.

D: yeah we got into a fight today in school...

E: how bad was it this time?

J: I mean I got slammed into the wall twice and got pushed into a water fountain hit my head there and then my face his the ground.

E: wow Daniel. Did you say sorry...

D: I did more than say sorry....


I punch his arm and he smirks. Elena walks away and shakes her head.

No Strings Attached; Janiel FanFiction [COMPLETED ]Where stories live. Discover now