Ch. 2

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~Daniels POV~

It's been about 3 days since I've talked to Joey. I don't know why, but every time I see him my heart skips a beat. I've never felt this before towards anyone. I know I love my mom, but I think I'm falling for a guy that is straight and will never notice me. I cut myself off with me calling joey. He answers after 2 rings, like he was waiting for me to call....

J: Hello?

D: Hey joey!

J: oh hey Danny!

D: Danny? *laugh* I like it

J: *giggle* what you call for?

D: I actually want to do something instead of mourn, do u wanna come over and play music, or mabie go see a movie. I really don't care, I just need someone here.

J: I actually just got done playing Chloe, my harp she got a broken string, I've been playing a lot to keep my mind off of my mom

D: one question. Why did you name her Chloe?

J: Oh, my family has a history of cancer. My mom, Chloe (I know his mom isn't Chloe LET ME LIVE MY LIFE) died of cancer so I named it after her

D: Oh my god, I named mine after my mom, Maria

J: cool, cat is at her aunts house across town so....

D: Your harp needs a new string, so on the way to see the movie we can pick up the string?

J: yeah, what movie and what time will you be here to pick me up?

D: Beauty and the Beast (see what I did there? 😏) and I'll be there around 5:30.

J: ok see you then Danny!

D: Kk bye Joey!

I hang up. There is something happening inside of my stomach. Butterflies? No. Fireworks? No. It feels like a whole fucking zoo went lose and they all were doing the fucking tango. (Sorry I had to 😂)

~ 2 hours later ~

I walk over to joeys house and knock on the door.

He answers the door and gives me a hug, a smile and hug back. There are tears streaming down his face. "OH MY GOD! JOEY WHAT THE FUCK HAPPENED?!"
He says in almost a whisper. "Cat wasn't at her aunts house.... she was cheating on me... she forgot her purse here. There was a random dude in her car, she walked out.... and kissed him. She explained she has been having sex..... with him for 2 months..... because I wasn't ready to have sex yet...." he says inbetween sobs.

"Do you want to stay at my place and hang out, or go see the movie?" I ask. "The movie, please" I smile and so does he. We walk over to my car and we start driving to the movies.

"Danny?" Joey says. I reply with a slight hum, Indicating that I was listing.

J: how did you know you were gay?

D: well at first I wasn't, or at least I thought I wasn't. Then it came to that point where my a girl wanted to have sex. I wasn't having it, I wasn't turnt on what so ever. So I explained what was going on, She told me I was gay. I've been ever since.

J: That's exactly what happened between me and Cat...... I think I may be gay....

He turns pale.

D: Joey, don't make assumptions, I don't want to force anything on you.

J: kiss me


J: you heard me, kiss me

D: we are in a car, a moving car.

J: I don't care, pull the car over and kiss me!


I pull over and stop the car. He looks straight in my eyes. We both lean in.... soon our lips touched. It was the same feeling I had when we were on the phone, but stronger. My heart felt like it was fucking choking me. It only lasted for like 10 seconds but it felt like an eternity. I pull away and smile.

J: yep, I'm gay....

He says then leans in and kisses me. But this time longer and faster.

~Joeys POV~

After me and Daniel got off of the phone I felt weird. It was around 2 o'clock when the call ended. I felt light headed, but in a good way? I didn't feel sick, I felt something inside of my stomach. Like stronger that butterflies. Stronger than fireworks. This is....

My thoughts were cut off by cat knocking at the door. My dad answers and yells for me to come down. "Hey!" I say and hug her. She seems a little off, like nervous or something... "hey..." she says while hugging me. "I left my purse here. I came to get it." I say, "oh it's on the table."

After she gets it she walks out side. I look out the window and see her shoving her tongue down a dudes throat in her car. I storm out of the house and scream, " WHAT THE HELL CAT?!" She pulls away with a look of guilt on her face. She sighs, "I know, let me explain." I reply, "FINE FUCKING EXPLAIN WHY YOUR OUTSIDE OF MY HOUSE SHOVING YOUR TONUGE DOWN A DUDE THROAT!" I'm screaming and crying at this point. "Well a 17 year old girl needs a man, you wouldn't give that to me, so I went out and found a guy... we have been sleeping around for 2 months now. I came to get my purse because my condoms were in here and I didn't want to buy anymore..." she says. I scream at her, "ENJOY YOUR FUCKING MAN TOY YOU FUCKING SLUTBAG! WE ARE OVER!"  I start walking away and she slams her hand on the steering wheel and speeds away, tears in her eyes.

I cry into my pillow, I already told my dad what happened. I knew Daniel was coming to get me soon. I can't wait.

~After the kiss~

I didn't like the kiss.....

I loved it...

I smile and say, "yeah, I'm gay." And kiss him faster and longer.


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