Ch. 5

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~3 weeks later~

~joeys POV~

Me and Daniel have been getting closer each day. He keeps telling me he wants to hear me play, I'm very self conscious about my harp. The only people who played it has been me and my mom. It hurts me so much to keep this huge part of my life from Daniel, I know I will someday, I'm not ready.

Daniel comes in and gives me a hug. "Joeeeeyyyy I want to hear you playyyy."

J: "I'm not ready ok?"

D: "It's been 3 weeks, why can't you just play a half of a song?"

J: "because I said no..."

D: "we have been dating for 3 weeks and you can't do something so simple just to play a few stings on a instrument?"



He never calls me Joesph...


Daniels eyes are full of tears and it breaks my heart.

D: "You know what joey?!..... FUCK YOU."

Daniel is full on crying at this point.

J: "No Daniel I'm sorry I shouldn't of said that.."

D: "I can't stand to look at you.... I'm leaving"

J: "Are you breaking up with me?"

D: "I'm not sure. I'll text you tomorrow i guess."

J: "Bye..."

Daniel walks out of my room and slams the door. The paintings shake and a photo of me and Daniel falls and shatters. I lay on my bed and cry.

After what feels like hours of crying I get out of bed and walk down stairs. I don't care what my dad does. I'm going to come out to him. I don't know why I want to right now, but it feels right.

J: "Dad?"

JD:" Yes Joey?"

J:" Im going to tell you something, promise not to get mad?"

JD: "Stop playing your games and just tell me?"

J:" I'm gay...."

JD: "I knew that, the way you would hug Cat and even kiss her, Joey your the most sensitive person ever and when she cheated on you, you cried for 30 minutes. I heard everything with you and Daniel, you have been crying for 3 hours joey!"

J: "Are you ok with me?"

JD: "why wouldn't I be? Love is love joey."

J: Thanks dad I needed to hear that."

I hug him and get some food, it's 10:30 so I decide to go to bed. "Dad I'm going to bed! Love you good night!"
I hear, "Love you, Night!" From my dad.

I thought I would be able to fall asleep but I cant. Then I remember why, I cry. At one point I cant cry anymore, I just lay there staring at the ceiling.

I don't want to go back to it, at this point I don't want to. I need to

A/N why would I tell you now? 😂🙃

~Daniels POV~

I storm out of joeys house. We just fought, I didn't think we would ever fight. I can't even look at him right now, I feel a pit of rage inside of me. I think, "Your turning into your dad. Your going crazy." I shake my thoughts away and punch a hole into my bedroom door. My aunt isn't home right now. Thank god

I scream and throw my MacBook across the room and it smashes my mirror I scream, " WHY THE FUCK CANT YOU TRUST ME? WHY JOESPH WHY CANT YOU FUCKING TRUST ME?!" I scream and throw my lamp across my room, smashing a picture of me and Joey. I shout, "I HATE YOU I HATE YOU! WHY DO I HAVE TO LOVE YOU! UGHH!" I throw the picture out the window and jump on my bed.

I can't break up with him, we have been dating for only 3 weeks but I think I love him. I'm not going to break his heart, it would break my heart. I stare at the ceiling and cry, I don't want to cry.

At around 1 in the morning my aunt comes home from work. She noticed me crying and comes into my room. "OH MY GOD DANIEL! WHAT HAPPENED?!" I mumbled, "Joey and I got into a fight. I got mad and threw stuff..." my aunt was shocked, "We are going to get you help before you turn into your dad ok?" I shake my head yes and she walks out of my room. I finally feel my self falling asleep hear Joeys dad scream,"OH MY GOD JOEY? WHAT DID YOU DO? WAKE UP JOEY! DONT LEAVE ME! NOT NOW YOUR TO YOUNG!"

I get up and my heart drops. I run over to joeys house in sweat pants and slippers. The door is unlocked so I let myself in. I go into the bathroom and see joey, lifeless pale and cuts all on his thighs and wrists. Joeys Dad looks up at me and says, "why did you have to make joey feel like this? Why did you start a fight? HE MAY BE DEAD BECAUSE OF YOU. I scream back, "I DIDNT DO ANYTHING! HE SAID HE DIDNT TRUST ME!! HE IS THE ONE WHO HELD THE BLADE UP TO HIS SELF! I DIDNT CUT HIM AT ALL!" I collapsed on the floor crying. Joeys dad gets up to call the cops and tell them what happened. I whisper, "joey, wake up. You can't leave me. Not now. I need you. I swear to god if you die I will die. I love you."

The doctors and nurses come in and put him on a stretcher. They carry him into the ambulance and ask me, "Do you want to come." I nod yes and make my way into the car. I say, "don't leave me."

A/N: this is kinda a depressing chapter :( also joey and Daniel have their first fight. Daniel is showing his true colors. Is he going to turn into his father? We may never know 😏😈

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