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Joeys POV

I'm sitting at my computer editing my vlog that I should be posting to today. I sigh to my self and put my head in my hands. I watch the video and forgot to take out a part... Strange I didn't film anything I didn't want to take out.

I rewatch the audio and see that Shane was filming himself getting krunk. I keep watching it and see the fight with me and Daniel... I tense up in my chair and keep watching. Tears come to my eyes as I see how mean I was being to Daniel. When I dragged Daniel into the bathroom by his ear Shane pointed that camera to himself and said, "bitch got dragged!"

I call Daniel into the room and I hear him run upstairs worried.

D: baby what's wrong?

J: watch this...

I rewind some of it and let it play for Daniel. His mouth hangs open as I'm screaming at him in the video.

D: you were so mean...

J: yeah I know I'm sorry...

D: post it


D: people should know the good and bad side of us...

J: but people will know you raped me...

I look down and put my hands in my lap and sigh.

D: put something over it like a beep so they don't know sweetie...

J: ok I guess...

4 hours later

Me and Daniel are sitting couch and my phone keeps buzzing. I groan crawl over Daniel and get my phone. I roll back over him and go on twitter and see some people tagging me.

@JoeyGraceffa I didn't know you and Daniel actually fought :(

I see a lot of those comments and I sigh to myself and send out a tweet, "Just wanted you to see there are two sides of people, I will always love Daniel and we are doing ok, don't assume things ok?"

I throw my phone on the chair cross from me and Daniel looks at me worried. I sigh and shake my head, I walk into the kitchen and get an apple and a glass of water. Daniel walks up to me and looks me straight in my eyes.

D: baby what's wrong?

J: I don't know...

D: yes you do I want to help

J: no one can help ok? I need to work this out myself... I need to think ok?

D: why do you have to be so complicated?


I throw the apple at him and he ducks and looks at me from the ground. He sighs and stands back up.

D: just fucking tell me...

J: what do you want me to do? Write you a fucking book?

D: That would be nice! No just Fucking tell me!

I throw the glass of water on the floor and it shatters. I fall to my knees and put my head in my hands. I start to shake and cry. I look up at Daniel and he is just staring at me with his mouth wide open. I put my head back down and I hear him walk over the glass and sit next to me.

D: I'm sorry baby...

J: it's fine

Daniel pulls me into his lap and I put my head in to crook of his neck. I wrap my legs around his waist and he stands up. He starts to walk up stairs with me in his lap.

No Strings Attached; Janiel FanFiction [COMPLETED ]Where stories live. Discover now