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Joeys POV

Today is graduation. Finally I can get out of one of the hell holes I live in. I know what's wrong and I'm not ready to admit to myself that it's really true. If I say something out of line that I didn't mean to say I can ruin my whole life.

I can't handle everything going on right at this moment. I roll over in my bed and almost scream because Liza was sleeping next to me not Daniel. I shake my head and try to think why she was in mine and Daniel bed. Oh yeah.... I screamed at Daniel saying he was going to sleep on the couch. Usually Elena would break these things up but she moved with her boyfriend giving the house to Daniel.

I shake Liza awake and she smiles at me. She sits up and stretches.

L: I've never slept that well in months

J: why?

L: well for one I had someone next to me, for another thinking that I can finally get out of high school and me and you can work on YouTube together? That's living the life joey!

J: yeah I know but I don't know how to break the news to everyone after the baby is born.

L: are you sure you want to go through this?

J: not sure yet I have to think about it still

I roll out of bed and realize I'm in my underwear. I blush a little and she shakes her head and laughs a little.

L: don't blush joey.... I've seen every inch of you. And by every inch. I mean every inch.

J: oh shut up

I would of threw a pillow at her but I didn't want to hurt the baby. I slip in a pair of sweat pants and slippers. I walk over to the bed and help Liza out of it. She stares at me and smiles.

L: Joey....

J: yesss....

L: do you love me?

J: of course I do Liza! You are going to be the mother of my baby. Our baby

L: then if I told you something, would it ruin our friendship?

J: never...

I let go of her hand and she looks at me worried. She looks at the ground and frowns. I tilt her chin up and look her straight in the eye.

J: just tell me Liza!

L: well ever since I've moved here I had a crush on you. When we got dared to have sex I wanted to do it. I fell in love with you after I found out i was pregnant. I know you don't feel the same way but I love you Joey Graceffa. And that's never going to change...

J: wow... Liza I didn't know. I don't feel the same way. You are more like a sister to me. Yeah we had sex once and I accidentally knocked you up but I don't want anything romantic going on. I hope you can understand.

L: I know I just needed to get that weight off of my shoulders...

I sigh to myself and turn around making my way to the door.

L: don't tell Daniel please?

J: why would I tell him?

I chuckle a little and open the door. Only to see a angry Daniel standing there with his arms crossed. I roll my eyes and push him out of the door way.

D: you fucking slut! Back off my boyfriend. It's bad enough he got you pregnant...

Liza sits on my bed and puts her head in her hands. She sighs and starts to cry. I turn around and make a fist with both of my hands. I feel a pit of rage inside of me. I scream and run towards Daniel. He gasps as I run into him tackling him into the floor. I turn him around so I'm straddling him. I get closer to his face and point at him.

J: don't you ever call her a slut ever again! She is like a sister to me and that will never change. She is more upfront with her feelings than you are. At least she is telling me what is wrong and I'm always there for her. Like she is always there for me. Heck if I'd feel the same way for her I'd leave you in a heart beat for her! But I don't, I love you and I have to settle for what my heart wants. Even if you are fucking tearing me apart you asshole.

I stand up off of Daniel and walk over to Liza. I help her off of the bed and walk out of the room holding her hand. I help her down the stairs and into my car. Ugh today is going to be so fucking long.

After Graduation

There was nothing special about it. We did more shitty awards and guess what? Me and Daniel won best couple.... again. I had to fake like we were ok and kiss him even though he didn't deserve it. I won the valid Victorian or what ever it's called when you are the smartest. What's new. Daniel walks over to me and a tear rolls down his cheek.

Even though I hate him right now it breaks my heart to see him like this. I sigh and wipe his cheek.

J: Daniel I love you. Even though I hate you right now I will always love you. Never forget about it baby.

Daniel nods and I hug him tightly. He tilts my chin up and looks my straight in the eyes. We both lean in and our lips touch. I have been having mixed emotions when we kiss. It's either I'm fully into it or I'm not into it. It's really confusing. He pulls away and hugs me again. I immediately hug back and rub circles into his back.

I hear a few "awwws" but I ignore them and stay in the heat of the moment. He pulls away and grabs my hand and we walk to the car. He opens my door and I get in. Just like old times. Just like when we were ok. Just like when I was semi stable. Just like when we were happy. Just like before I got someone pregnant. Before everything happened. When it was just like me and Daniel together. Inseparable. No one ever found us not together in each other's arms. Always kissing, hugging, cuddling, having sex in public bathrooms. Me and him haven't had sex in 2 months. Two whole fucking months. It's all my fault. He always says we should and he wants it but I always turn him down.

I fell bad for what I'm doing to him. I'm trying to be a better boyfriend. Me and him are both bad boyfriends and we need to help each other out here. But here is the problem... we don't know how to help each other anymore. Everything we were doing to keep each other happy is gone now. It died along time ago. Just like my mom, his mom and dad, my step mom and step brother, cat, and soon to be dad. Everything is dying around us and I'm scared it's going to be me or him next. I can't live without Daniel. He makes me whole... he may be a pain in the ass to be around but he is my pain in the ass. I love him... he is unstable... I am unstable... we are unstable... I get shaken out of my thoughts as Daniel touched my thigh. I turn towards him.

J: yes?

D: what's wrong?

J: oh just... thinking

I look back out the widow and think about old memories with me and Daniel. God I miss those memories so much.... I turn back to Daniel and smirk at him. He looks at me with a raise eyebrow and chuckles a little.

D: what?

J: I'm ready now....

D: really?!

I nod my head and he speeds home. Me laughing a whole way. God I love this man.

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