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Daniels POV

Liza is out with her Mom picking out baby clothes. I think she is rushing this thing a little too fast.... she still has like 7 months of being pregnant.

Joey and I are finally alone for once and I want to go out and do something. He seems very stressed about Liza. She is way to needy. Seriously that girl needs a boyfriend.

I walk into mine and Joeys room and see him sitting at our desk doing homework.

I walk up behind him and put my hands over his eyes

D: Guess who?

J: this is a hard one.... is it Danny?

I turn the spinny chair around and sit on his lap.

D: you guess right

J: I couldn't guess that voice wrong anytime of the day.

I kiss him for longer than anticipated. I pull away and chuckle a little.

D: we should do something today

J: like what?

D: well there is a fall carnival down town

J: yeah we should go.

Liza comes into the room.

L: I don't wanna go to a carnival

I get off of joey and sit on the bed. I'm letting them handle their own problems.

J: you don't have to follow me around all the fucking time you know!

L: I'm lonely ok! I could have a life and be out with friends but noooo I have to be PREGNANT!

J: this isn't all my fault! You agreed

L: so what!


I stand up and look at both of them

D: before this gets heated I'm going to bud in. Liza is not getting rid of the baby ok? Liza you will be staying here letting me and Joey have a little alone time without you stuck up his fucking ass ok? You can invite a friend over and he or she can keep you company. And that's final.

L: fine

She storms out of the house and in her car driving home

J: I wish I had the guts to tell her off like that...

D: don't ever tell her to get rid of the baby. She is crazy enough to do so.

J: we all say things we don't mean when we are mad.

D: we also do things we don't mean too

I kiss Joeys neck and hug him.

J: let's get ready for the carnival thingy


Joey and I get out of the car. We walk into the entrance hand in hand.

J: now there are a few rides here. None of them are intense so we shouldn't waste our money on them

D: there is the tunnel of love and a Farris wheel.

J: oh so now you're the romantic type.

D: honey I've always been one. I guess you forgot because of Liza.

J: true

We start to walk around and I see a dart game.

D: I'm going to win you a stuffed animal.

No Strings Attached; Janiel FanFiction [COMPLETED ]Where stories live. Discover now