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Daniels POV

Joey went upstairs to take a nap. Joey has been feeling down about something but I can't put my finger on it. The dance is tonight so I'm going to do something special for him.

I throw on my hoodie and slip on my Uggs. I grab my car keys and run to the car.

It's 2:30 right now and we have to leave around 6:30.... I have 4 hours to set up everything. Hopefully I can pull this off.

I go to the flower market and buy 2 dozen roses. I speed over to Walmart and get candles, pink and red balloons, helium, and a corsage for Joey.

I run to the car and speed home. I throw the car keys on the table and check the time on my phone. "Oh my god... it's 3:30where did all the time go?!"

I scurry around the kitchen looking for a lighter or something and I open the junk drawer and everything spills out. I groan and look through the mess in the floor. I find 2 lighters and I throw them on the island and pick everything up. I put the drawer back into the place it goes. I sit in a chair next to the island and start picking the roses. After about 25 minutes I have enough and 3 left to get joey. I smile to myself and wash my hands.

I run upstairs and rummage through my aunts fabric and see a big thing of silk. I take that and run back down stairs. I unroll it and put it in the stairs all the way to the door.

I scatter the rose petals along the sides is the silk and take another good look. I nod my head and start blowing the balloons up with helium. After about 50 balloons I stop and tie string to them. I tape them to the floor and stand up quickly. I run over to the table and open up the candles. I set them down in a line on the silk.

I check the time and it's 5:45. I light every candle and run upstairs to wake up joey.

I walk into the room quietly and see him facing the door holding onto a pillow. I smile and sit on the bed slightly shaking joey. He groans a little and his eyes flutter open. He smiles at me and sits up.

J: what time is it baby?

D: it's 5:45 we have 45 minutes to get ready...

J: oh okay

Joey stands up out of bed and stumbles over into the bathroom and I follow. Hopefully he likes the surprise....

Joeys POV

Daniel gets ready before me so when I go to get on my tux he isn't there. I sigh a little and start getting dressed. I look at myself in the mirror and frown a little. I shake my head and brush it off. I look at myself again and something still seems a bit off. I don't even know what's wrong with me, I have to find out soon. I turn around quickly and almost fall onto the floor because Daniel is behind me with a blind fold. I hold my chest and breathe heavy. He laughs at me and I smile at him. He puts the blind fold on me and I hold onto his shoulder.

J: have you been working out?

D: football

J: oh...

We reach the bottom top of the stairs and Daniel says "stay here until I tell you to take off the blind fold ok? The. You come down." I nod my head and hear Daniel run down stairs, he digs through a plastic bag and I hear him open something. I stand there shaking slightly, I don't even know why. I touch my own hand and feel the ring that Daniel gave me, it send shivers down my spine. Daniel yells, "Baby come down here!" I sigh a little and take off the blind fold. I pick up mine and Daniels dance bags and walk down the stairs slowly. My mouth opens wide as a see roses, silk, candles, and balloons. I walk slowly to the door with a smile plastered onto my face and hug Daniel tightly.

No Strings Attached; Janiel FanFiction [COMPLETED ]Where stories live. Discover now