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~Daniels POV~

He kissed me again. This time for almost a minute. Little did he know he was my first kiss. I know I had a girlfriend before, for around 2 months but I didn't feel comfortable kissing her. Eventually she got the hint that I wasn't kissing her or wanting to have sex with her, so she knew I was gay. She wasn't a bad girlfriend or anything, we are still friends and talk on a monthly basis. That's besides the point, all I care is I FUCKING KISSED JOEY!

We rest outlet foreheads on each other. We sit in silence, not awkward. Peaceful.

I break the silence by saying, "You still want to go to the movie?"
He replies, "Yes Danny" he grabs my hand as I'm driving down the road. I don't even flinch, he looked surprised that I didn't move my hand away. He smiled and looked out the window

We made it into the movies, hand in hand. Joey shouts, "IM TO LAZY TO WALK! CARRY ME!" Before I could answer he jumps into my arms. "Ok fine Joseph." I say.

He frowns, "i don't like to be called Joseph." He says while squinting his eyes. (Kinda like this -.-) I reply, "ok then let me rephrase that, Ok fine brat. Better?"
"Much better" Joey says with an evil grin.

We buy the tickets, popcorn, and drinks. Me still carrying him, we walk into the place where the movie is played. I set him down, he frowns. "What's wrong Joey?" I say sarcastically. "I didn't get a kiss :(" I feel myself blush I just grin and say, "Fine brat." I lean in and give him a peck, he pulls my head back and deepens the kiss. His tongue was brushing on my bottom lip, that's when I had to end it. We were in a movie theater.... When I pull away he says, "We WILL finish that later." I just grin.

The movie is over and we walk into the car. I was very confused about something.... what are we?

After a few minutes of me driving I ask joey
D: what are we?

J: humans?

D: NO! I mean me and you

J: yeah humans

D: I mean we almost made out in the movies and you wanted to finish later... doesn't that mean something?

J: well silly goose I was waiting for you to ask me out...

D: oh.... Joey do you want to me my boyfriend?

J: that's what I want to hear! And yes I would love to me your boyfriend.

I basically squeal inside of my body, he grabs my hand and says. "Stop at the music store. I need to pick up a Low F string, remember mine broke."

I pull into the store and get out of the car. Before Joey could open his door, I open it for him. He says, "aww Danny opened my door. I'll pay you with one kiss." He leans in and gives me a peck. "We will finish that later." I replied.

I walked ahead a little bit. Little did I know he was about to jump into my back. It scared me a little bit and I screamed, "WHAT THE HELL JOEY?!" He laughs and says, "I'm lazy" he kisses the top of my head. "Thanks..." I say

We go in and find the string. And I remember I lost my tuner, so I picked out one of those. I say, "I'm paying, it's my date." He says back, "ok fine Danny." And hands me the string. The bill was only around $30. The tuner was 20 and the string was 10, I mean that sounds like a lot for a string but.... it was long enough to have 2 uses out of it.

J: Thanks Danny

D: Joey, your string was only $10...

J: not for the string you silly goose

D: I'm not a goose, and than what for?

J: Letting me do this!

He jumps into my back again and giggles. "How did I not see that coming?" I say
"I don't know Danny." He replies

We make it back to my place. My aunt knows I'm gay so it's no problem bringing Joey around her. But Joeys dad doesn't know, so we have to keep our relationship quiet around him.

J: I wanna stay the night!

D: ask your dad....

J: fine you grumpy pants

D: if I'm a grumpy pants then your a butt muncher!

We start making up kindergarten mean words. We are so childish

Joey calls his dad, "hey dad! I was wondering if I could stay the night at Daniels? Thanks!"

"He said it was ok, I'm going to get something's and I'll be right back." I nod and wait outside.

He runs outside with everything he needs in a bag. "Someone is excited." I giggle. "Yes I am Danny." He smiles

We walk into my house and I say, "I'm going to tell my aunt what's going on with us ok?"
He replies, "just let her know not to tell my dad." Joey sits on the couch with his phone.

I walk into the kitchen where my aunt is.
"Hey Aunt Elena, I need to talk to you."
(E= Elena)

E: what?

D: I'm going to tell you something, you cannot tell ANYONE

E: fine Daniel what is it?

D: well I got a boyfriend....


D: that's you can't tell his dad tho....

E: I promise, JUST TELL ME PLS

D: It's Joey.....

E: aww cute, when can I meet him?

D: right now actually.... JOEY GET IN HERE

I hear Joey slowly walk into the kitchen. We walks in and gives me a hug. "Does she know Danny?"

"Yes she knows joey..." I reply

E: Danny?

D: yeah he calls me that now...

J: I think it's cute, because your cute.


J: thanks

D: Joey, I know what your thinking don't do it...

He gives me an evil grin and jumps into my arms. I carry him over onto the couch and whisper, "you disservice this...." he looks at me confused and tilts his head.

I start tickling him and he screams, "SORRY DANNY PLEASE STOP!!"

D: you have to pay me then...

J: upstairs I will, but you have to carry me

D: fine....

I carry him upstairs as throw him on the bed. Crawling on top of him...

A/N that's a good place to end it :) anyway the reason I got Elena is because I googled Romanian names for girls. I saw Maria and Daniel so I know those are Romanian names now... and the second name I saw was Elena..... sooo I went with that...

This is a pretty long chapter.... 1139 words... wow...

No Strings Attached; Janiel FanFiction [COMPLETED ]Where stories live. Discover now