chapter one

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     Annie Wood went to bed without dinner. Her widowed mother was going out with another man, and didn't really care if Annie ate or not. Annie stormed up the stairs of her old fashioned and run down house, tears threatening to fall.

     Every night before bed, Annie would read herself a short story. Annie got ready for bed, first. She took a bath, and got changed into her pyjamas. Her pants were baby blue, and her tshirt was plain black. Annie made her way over to her bookshelf, and picked out a book.

     On the cover, there was four children flying through the sky, with the Big Ben clock tower behind them. The first child was a boy. He was wearing an all green outfit, and had red hair that was stuffed underneath a green hat with a red feather. Behind him, there was a girl. She was wearing a blue night gown. The girl had brown hair, and big bright eyes. behind her was two boys. One had glasses, and a top hat, while the other boy looked like a baby, with a pink onesie on, and a stuffed teddy bear. All four of the children had bright smiles plastered on their faces. The book was titled 'Peter Pan.'

     Annie went to her bed, and got under the covers. She opened the book, and started to read. Annie learned that the children's names were Wendy, John, and Michael. the children were talking about Peter Pan, and all the adventures he has on an island called Neverland.

     Annie fell asleep while reading the book. It laid open on her lap, on the page about the children flying to Neverland.

     Late in the night, Annie sat up in bed with a gasp. She just had a terrible dream of a boy named Peter, who was keeping her captive on an island. Annie looked down at her lap, and saw a book laying there. She shut the book, and put it on her bedside table.

     Annie was so scared, but was relieved that it was just a dream. she was safe, and in her own bed. Annie laid back down, and tried to go back to sleep. All of a sudden, her window started rattling, along with all the little knick knacks around her room.

     Annie's window flew open, causing her to jump. A cold breeze made it's way into her room, and blew the curtains around. Annie cautiously got out of bed, and walked over to the window. She looked out of it, to see what was going on outside.

     All looked normal. Annie's dog was asleep in her house, she could see her front paws sticking out. The clock tower out in the distance was still calmly ticking as the minutes went by. The city below was quiet, and peaceful. Annie started to assume the wind had just pushed her window open, as she probably forgot to lock it again. Just as Annie went to close the window, a dark object flew into her room. Annie gulped as the object flew around. Annie backed up against the wall opposite the window as the object continued to fly. It flew over to her, and held something out; a hand.

     The object looked like a shadow as it looked down on the young girl. Annie slowly reached out, and took the shadow's hand. With one swift motion, she was flying out the window, and started drifting in the night sky.

     "Hey, wait. Take me back!" annie yelled, but the shadow didn't respond. She heard her dog barking below, and felt very bad for her. Annie kept flying over the city, and ended up over an ocean. She could see an island in the distance, and felt a lump form in her throat. Annie had a bad feeling in the pit of her stomach as the shadow flew onto the island, and gently dropped her on the ground. Annie watched the shadow as it flew away, leaving her all alone.

     Annie looked around, and noticed that she was on a beach. There were sharp rocks on the edge of the water, and lots of trees. The sand was soft and cold under her bare feet. Annie followed a path that led into the trees.

     "Hello? Is anyone there?" Annie yelled out into the trees. "I need help." She mumbled.

     "Maybe I can help." A deep voice said. Annie spun around, and came face to face with a boy. A boy that looked like just the one in her dream. He had dark hair, brown eyes, and was dressed in all green. Annie noticed that he had a green streak of colour in his hair, and it really brought out the colour of his eyes. The boy was leaning against a tree, with his arms crossed over his chest. He had a small smirk planted on his lips.

     "Who are you?" Annie asked nervously.

     "My name's Peter." The boy replied. "Peter Pan." he grinned, and uncrossed his arms. Annie gulped, and took a step back. Peter seemed to notice, and he chuckled.

     "No need to be scared." He said softly. But Annie was terrified.


Hello there folks this is the start of my peter pan fanfic!!!! I have an imagine just like this in my 'dolan twin imagines' book so go check that out. You may notice that they're very similar.

 You may notice that they're very similar

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