chapter four

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     Annie walked deeper into the woods, with Peter and the Lost boys. Peter shot his arm out, causing everyone to stop. One of those Lost boys ran into Annie's back, and mumbled an apology.

     "Look around, and tell me what you see." Peter demanded when he turned around to face the group.

     Annie looked at her surroundings. There was still lots of trees, but there was a large vine wall in between two of the trees. Annie was curious as to what was behind it. A Lost boy nervously raised his hand, and Peter pointed at him.

     "Jakob, what do you see?" Peter asked.

     "Well, Pan, I see trees, and uhh...more trees." Jakob replied. Peter scoffed, and shook his head.

     "Follow me then. All of you." Peter said. He started walking again, and walked right through the vine wall. He didn't bother holding it open for anyone, and Annie got hit in the face by it. She brushed it away, and held the vine open for the Lost boys. They all smiled at her, except Hunter. He was too busy staring at the ground, and scuffing his shoes against the dirt path.

     "Hunter, are you okay?" Annie asked. She was worried about the young boy.

     "Yes. I'm fine." He replied.

     "Are you sure?"

     "Yes, Annie. And if you keep talking to me, we'll both get in trouble."

     Annie nodded, and stopped talking to him. She continued walking, and stopped when Peter did. He turned around, and scanned the group.

     "Annie, why are you back there?" He asked.

     "I was holding the vine open." She replied.

     "Holding the...get up here!" He yelled. Some of the Lost boys flinched, and Annie walked back up to the front of the pack.

     "I'm sorry." Annie mumbled. Peter sighed in frustration, before walking over to a large tree with a thick trunk. He went around behind it, and Annie saw a flash of green light around the tree as Peter stared at it in concentration. Seconds later, Peter returned. He was carrying a large bag, and it looked heavy.

     "Today, we'll be training with knifes." Peter said. He dropped the bag, and the lid fell open. Annie looked down. The bag was full of knifes of all different sizes. Some where long, some were short. Others were thick. there was hardly any thin ones.

     "Your task is to throw a knife at these targets." Peter waved his hand, and six archery targets appeared behind him. "And whoever gets the most in will win. Don't worry about running out of knifes, I've taken care of that."

     "Uh, Pan?" A Lost boy said. All the others turned to look at him, including Annie.

     "Yes, Grayson?" Peter replied.

     "What does the winner get?" He asked.

     Peter chuckled, and smirked. "The winner gets to throw knifes at the loser."

     All the Lost boys started whispering amongst themselves, but Peter silenced them.

     "Stand in a horizontal line." He ordered. Annie and the Lost boys did as they were told, and stood in a horizontal line. They were a few feet away from the targets. Each Lost boy stood in front of one. Peter drew a square around each of the boys, and Annie.

     "Don't try and step out of that box, except for when you need a knife." Peter said. He moved the knife bag into the middle of the field, but in between two targets. 

     "Won't someone get hit if they go to get a knife?" Annie asked. Peter glared at her, and walked over to her.

     "It's motivation to not miss the target." Peter said in a low tone. Annie could feel his breath against his cheek as he spoke.

     Peter walked back to the middle of the field, right beside the box. "Now, when I say go, you'll come get a knife, then you'll head back to your box. Please, while you have the knife, do not leave your box." Peter explained. He walked over to the side, and yelled go.

     Annie and the Losy boys cautiously walked to the bag, and each grabbed one knife. They walked back to their marked boxes on the ground, and got ready to throw.

     This went on for a few minutes. A couple of the Lost boys had hit the target, but Annie was having trouble. She ran to the bag to grab a knife, but when she stood up, a knife whistled past her ear. Annie felt something cold on her cheek, and reached up to touch it. Annie pulled her fingers away, and saw her scarlett blood mixed in with her sweat. The knife had cut her.

     Annie looked at the Lost boys. Grayson stood still, with his hands on his mouth and a look of pure fear on his face. All the other Lost boys hadn't seemed to notice what happened.

     "I'm so sorry, Annie. I accidentally stepped out of my box. Are you okay?" Grayson said, pleading Annie for forgiveness.

     "Yes, I'm fine." Annie replied. She heard Peter laughing as she walked back to her box on the ground.

     "I told you to not step outside the box while holding a knife. See what happened? It went off track, like it was controlling itself." Peter said to Grayson. Grayson gulped, and had a look of guilt on his face.

     Grayson walked to the bag, and grabbed another knife. As he was standing up, Peter waved his hand over him. Grayson was frozen in his spot, and couldn't move.

     "Everybody stop throwing." Peter demanded. All the Lost boys dropped their knifes on the ground in front of them.

     "Annie, pick up your knife. When I say go, you're going to throw your knife, but take two steps out of your box. Do you understand?"

     "Will Grayson get hurt?" Annie asked.

     "Don't worry about Grayson." Peter said through clenched teeth. "Now, go."

     Annie shut her eyes, and threw the knife. She took two steps as the knife left her hand. Annie's eyes shot open when she heard Grayson yell out in pain. The knife was embedded into his leg, and blood oozed down his leg.

     "Oh my god." Annie breathed out. She ran over to Grayson, and held him up. Peter's frozen spell had worn off, and Grayson was threatening to fall over.

     "That's enough target practice for today. Hurry back to the camp." Peter told the Lost boys, and teleported out of the field.

     Annie and all the Lost boys helped bring Grayson back to camp. They carried him into his tent, and set him down on his bed.

     "Someone has to take the knife out, and grab me some type of cloth." Annie ordered. She was stern, but kind.

     Luke kneeled down beside Grayson's leg, while Jakob ran over to the other bed and pulled the sheet off. He ran over to Luke, and held the sheet underneath the knife. Luke took a deep breath in, and pulled the knife out. Grayson yelled out in pain, and dug his nails into the bed. He breathed heavily as Jakob tightly tied the sheet around his leg. The bleeding slowed down as soon as pressure was added.

     "Stay here and rest. We'll bring you dinner." Annie said. She led the boys out of the tent, and over to the camp fire. Peter was already sitting on a log, eating his dinner.

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