chapter thirty four

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Annie got up, and got out of her bed. She didn't bother changing out of the sweats and tshirt that she slept in, but fixed her ponytail before leaving her tent.

Annie walked to Grayson's tent, and went inside. He was already awake, and was getting dressed. Annie cleared her throat just as Grayson pulled a tshirt over his head, and he turned around.

"Ready for this?" Annie asked.

Grayson nodded. "Ready than I'll ever be." He replied and walked over to Annie. The two left the tent, and went into Tanner and Hunter's tent. They were both still asleep.

"I'll wake them up. You go talk to Pan." Grayson instructed.

Annie nodded and left the tent. She went to Peter's tent, and went inside. He was already awake and out of bed, and was in the kitchen part of his tent.

"Pan, I wanna talk to you." Annie stated, catching Peter's attention.

"About what?" He asked, and left his tent. Annie followed him out, and over to a log. They both sat down, and Peter stared at her intently as Annie tried to gather her thoughts.

"Well, your letter to Grayson said if he ever wanted to leave Neverland, all he had to do was go to the echo caves and tell his deepest secret." Annie started to say. Peter sighed, and nodded.

"Go on." He said.

"Well, Grayson and I both did that, and we want to leave the island."

Peter looked taken aback from this statement, but nodded slightly.

"I can't deny you that." He said, looking down at the ground.

"I'm sorry, Pan. We just wanna go home. Tanner and Hunter also both want to leave, and told their secrets." Annie added. Peter sighed again.

"It's true. None of us wanna end up like Luke, because even after being on Neverland, he was still lost." Grayson said as he left Tanner and Hunter's tent, with the two boys following behind him.

"Well, let's get you home then." Peter mumbled. "Do you wanna say bye to the other boys?" He asked.

Annie and Grayson both nodded, and Peter stood up off his log. He went into Jakob's tent, then Felix's tent. Moments later, the two boys were walking out of their tents, still half asleep.

"Let's go." Peter said, and led the group into the woods. They walked for a few minutes, until coming to a sandy beach with rocks in the water. The same beach that Annie had arrived on.

Peter slowly waved his hand over the water, in a circular motion. A whirlpool appeared, and turned a soft green colour.

"It's a portal. Just jump in, and think about where you wanna go." Peter explained.

"Hunter and I will go first." Tanner said, and walked to the water's edge. He turned around, smiled at Annie and Grayson. "Thanks for being my best friends, and Peter, thank you for the hospitality. It's been lovely."

Peter smiled softly and watched Tanner and Hunter as they jumped into the portal.

"Together?" Annie asked, taking Grayson's hand.

"Together." He replied.

"Goodbye, Peter!" Annie yelled as her and Grayson jumped into the portal.

"You're really gonna let them go like that?" Felix asked.

"I have to." Peter replied. The portal closed, and the two Lost boys left the beach. Peter stayed, staring at the spot where his brother had just disappeared from.

Peter felt a small drop of water hit his cheek, and he wiped it off. he looked up at the sky, to see it was a dark grey colour. A tear streamed down Peter's face, and it started raining lightly. As Peter cried, the rain came down harder. he continued to wipe his cheeks as he walked through the forest, and back to camp. Peter went into Grayson's tent, and sat down on the edge of the bed. He sighed heavily as he stared down at the ground, thinking of all the times he let his brother down.

 He sighed heavily as he stared down at the ground, thinking of all the times he let his brother down

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