chapter six

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Grayson and Annie ran through the thick of forest of Neverland as they headed back to camp. Annie had managed to trip, skimming the side of her face on a nearby rock and scraping one knee up on a low tree branch. Grayson couldn't help but laugh at her clumsiness but immediately stopped when he saw that she was hurt.

     "I'm fine, I'm fine! Let's keep going, we have to tell Peter what we saw!" Annie urged Grayson on, not wanting him to worry about her. The girl knew it'd be best if she and Grayson told Peter what they saw opposed to him finding out for himself. He'd probably end up killing—or severely injuring—Captain Hook right there and then.

     Annie winced every time weight was put on her cut up knee, but kept running. Grayson led the way back to camp, knowing Neverland like the back of his hand.

     There was a break in the trees, meaning the two teenagers had reached camp.

     "Where's Pan? Where is he?" Grayson asked frantically to Nathan and Miles, who were sitting across from each other on logs by the fire. They had carved a small sphere out of wood, and were tossing it back and forth. It was like monkey in the middle, with the flames of the fire reaching up to try and ruin the fun.

"Woah, slow down! He left camp fifteen minutes ago with Jakob and Troye." Miles replied, putting his hands up in a defensive state from Grayson's aggressive outburst from the woods. Nathan had accidentally thrown the makeshift ball to Miles as all this happened, and watched with disappointment as it fell into the fire.

"Why do you need Pan?" Nathan asked curiously, wanting to know what was so important that Grayson had to appear out of nowhere in such a frantic state with Annie by his side, and interrupt the game him and Miles were playing together.

Both Annie and Grayson ignored the question. "What direction did he go in?" The girl asked, needing to see Peter Pan right away.

"Uhh, that way I think." Miles replied, pointing to the left of him, into the forest. All of a sudden, a gloomy darkness started settling up above the trees as thunder ripped through the air.

"He already knows." Grayson mumbled with a defeated sigh.

"Knows what? You two didn't do anything, right? Because Grayson, you know Pan fancies An-" Nathan started to say but was quickly cut off.

"No! We didn't do anything." Grayson sighed again. "Hook's on the island." He informed the boys.

Miles clicked his tongue. "Well that's not good." He replied.


I love this book so much lmao, and I hope you all do too

I love this book so much lmao, and I hope you all do too

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