chapter four

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Annie smiled contently as she entered the tent. It still looked the exact same as it did two years ago, not a single thing out of place.

Including the clothing, and Annie easily found a more Neverland appropriate outfit to change into. Annie replaced her pyjamas with black mid-thigh shorts, a long sleeved army green shirt, and brown boots with black buckles that came up to just above her ankles. Annie pulled her hair up into a ponytail using one elastic from the stash that was in the top drawer of her dresser, before leaving the tent.

Annie jumped back with a startled scream as someone ran out from behind her tent, in a successful attempt to scare her. As Annie moved away, one of her boots fell off. She hadn't secured the buckles all the way and the shoe was now laying a few inches in front of her.

The Lost boys sitting around the firepit had turned to see what the commotion was, because normally a scream on Neverland meant danger. Annie's face turned red with embarrassment as she bent down to put her boot back on, and was thankful that her ponytail fell to the right side of her face to hide her flaming cheeks from the boys. Annie was considered the new comer to them, and now they knew she was a big scaredy cat.

While Annie had been focused on putting her boot back on, she hadn't noticed the laughter coming from in front of her. Annie straightened out her body as she looked up, and pushed her hair out of her face. Grayson was doubled over in laughter, proud of himself for scaring the girl so well.

"Thanks alot, Grayson." Annie mumbled in an annoyed tone, but she knew the boy meant no harm. He just wanted to have some fun.

"I quite literally scared you out of your boots! Oh, you should've seen your fa-face." Grayson managed to say as he calmed himself down. He let one last giggle out of his mouth, the look of surprise on Annie's face flashing through his mind.

"Ha ha, so funny. My heart loved that!" Annie fake laughed, still feeling the throbbing pulse of her heart that quickly died down once she realized there was no reason to panic. It was just Grayson, and not some other dangerous inhabitant of Neverland.

Grayson let out a loud sigh as he stopped laughing, a smile still etched on his face though. "I came to ask you if you wanted to go for a walk, then saw the opportunity to scare you." The boy explained, revealing the real reason why he was outside Annie's tent.

"Just asking me would've been nicer than scaring me. Sure though, let's go." Annie replied and led Grayson into the forest.

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