chapter twelve

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     With a groan, Annie reached her hand up to touch her forehead. She felt a throbbing pain and slowly peeled her eyes open to see blood on her fingers. Annie was bleeding, but had no idea what happened.

     As the girl came to her senses, she quickly sat up, her back hitting one wall of a wooden cage. Annie took in her surroundings, fear bubbling up inside her. She had no idea where she was, but it definitely wasn't the island.

     All of a sudden, heavy footsteps could be heard as someone walked into the small room Annie was in. A small room that had one single porthole window, with two framed pictures on the wall opposite the window.

     Annie immediately recognized the man as one of the pirates who snatched her from the beach, where a battle between pirates and Lost boys had been taking place.

     "Hey! Get me out of here!" Annie yelled, moving to the front of the cage and wrapping her hands around two of the wooden bars. 

     "Captain, she's awake!" The pirate ignored Annie, quickly stepping out of the room to give a statement to the captain. Annie swallowed thickly, preparing herself to be faced with Captain Hook.

     "I heard her." A husky voice snapped. Then, another man entered the room. He was a bit taller, but slimmer, than the pirate who captured Annie. A grin was plastered on his face as he noticed the girl in the cage, thin lines appearing at the corners of his ocean blue eyes. The man had a head of messy black hair, along with scruffy facial hair.

     Annie couldn't take her eyes off the pirate as he walked closer to her, his black boots making a soft bang every time they hit the floor. He had on a long leather trench coat with multiple silver clasps all the way down, two at the top were undone. 

     "You must be Annie." The man said, his eyes glittering in an amusing way, almost the same look that Peter had quite often.

     Annie knew exactly who this was, so didn't even bother asking. Her thoughts were confirmed as the man kneeled down in front of the cage, putting one hand on a bar. Then, a sharp, silver hook.

     "Captain Hook." Annie mumbled, looking down at the hook for a hand then back up at the captain. "The storybook is pretty inaccurate." She stated, feeling a rush of confidence. Annie wasn't weak, and she wouldn't portray herself to be that way in front of the most wanted pirate in all the realms.

     "Tell me, Annie. Is the real deal better or worse than this storybook?" Hook toyed with the girl, trying to get her to bring her guard down. He wanted answers,
and assumed Annie would be the only one to give them to him.

     "You tell me. Are you scared of a teenage boy and a crocodile?" Annie replied, her tone low and quiet. Hook tensed up at her question, realizing that the girl was playing his own game.

     "That teenage boy is not who you think he is." Hook hissed, already growing annoyed and impatient. "Now tell me, Annie, where is your beloved Peter?"

     Annie rolled her eyes as Hook mocked Peter's name, saying it in a high pitched and childish voice. "Why would I tell you?" She asked, raising an eyebrow.

     "Because if you don't, you can consider all your precious Lost boys to be dead." The captain threatened, causing Annie's attitude to falter. She was still holding the bars of the cage, but gripped them tighter, her knuckles turning white.

     "If you lay a hand on any of them, I'll kill you myself." Annie told him, a snarl forming on her face.

     Hook threw his head back, laughing. When he looked back at Annie, a stern expression had replaced his grin. "Tell me where Peter Pan is." He demanded.

     "I don't know." Annie honestly had no idea where Pan was. She didn't see him on the beach, and definitely didn't know where he was now since she was locked in a cage on a pirate ship.

     The pirate scoffed. "Then surely you know where his camp is. Tell me."

     "Why do you want to know so badly?" Annie asked, avoiding giving Hook any information.

     "Because I want that menace dead." Captain Hook growled, tired of Annie's game. The girl let go of the cage and repositioned herself so she was sitting on her bottom, leaning against the back of the cage. Annie crossed her arms over her chest, a small smirk growing on her lips.

     "I'm not telling you anything." She stated. The pirate let out a frustrated sigh before standing up.

     "Fine. Then you're never getting out of this cage." He said before turning to walk out of the room.

     "Then the answers will die with me!" Annie yelled to him, causing the pirate to stop dead in his tracks. He turned back around to face Annie, and pointed his hooked hand at her. Captain Hook stood in the doorway of the small room, his mouth opening and closing to try and figure out what to say. With a defeated groan, he left the room.

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