chapter ten

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     Annie woke up to rain pouring down on her tent. She got out of bed, and shivered at how cold the air was. Annie peeked outside her tent, and watched as the rain came down. The camp was a muddy, and the logs by the firepit looked soggy. Annie walked outside, and ran into the tent beside hers.

     In two beds, sound asleep, were Tanner and Hunter. Annie went over to Tanner, and shook him awake.

     "Annie! What are you doing in here?" He exclaimed, and sat up in bed. He pulled the blanket up to cover his bare chest. Annie saw goosebumps form on his arms, and heard Hunter yawn from behind her.

     "It's raining." Annie said. Her skin and clothes were covered in rain drops.

     "Okay, so?" Tanner asked as he laid back down.

     "Well what are we supposed to do?"

     "We wait for it to stop. Rain only lasts a couple minutes here on Neverland."

     "Alright." Annie said. She walked away from Tanner, and went to sit at the foot of his bed. Tanner accidentally kicked her in the head as he tried to get comfortable again.

     "Annie?" Tanner said.

     "Yes?" Annie replied as she rubbed the back of her head.

     "Can you get out?" Tanner asked. Annie sighed, and left the boy's tent. She went back to her own, and decided to get changed. She put on black shorts, and a green long sleeved tshirt. Annie looked through the drawers a bit more, and noticed that pretty much all her clothing was black, green, and brown. Annie shut the drawers, and got dressed. She opened up the bottom drawer, and pulled out a black pair of running shoes. Annie put the shoes on, and tied up the laces.

     The rain had stopped, and Annie looked out of her tent. The sun was out, and everything was dry. She saw Peter walk across the camp, over to the fire place.

     "Good morning, Pan." Annie said as she left her tent.

     "Someone's awfully cheerful." He mumbled in response.

     "Well, it's a nice day." Annie smiled.

     All the Lost boys started coming out of their tents, dressed and ready for the day. Annie wondered what Peter had planned for them today.

     "Alright, everyone take a seat." Peter said, and looked over at Annie as if he read her mind. "Today, we're gonna be playing hide and seek. Use whatever you want to conceal yourself, and don't get caught. I'll be the seeker, and just so you all know..." Peter said, and glared at Annie. "I know every single hiding spot here on Neverland."

     Annie gulped, and looked away from Peter. She suddenly had a really bad feeling about this game.

     Peter said 'go' and all the boys started running into the forest as they whooped and cheered. Annie started running, not entirely sure where she was going. The wind whistled past her ears, and tossed her hair around. Her legs stung as they got cut on branches, and her lungs burned. Annie had never ran so fast in her life, but she wasn't about to be caught by Peter.

     She took a few turns, until she came across a pile of leaves. She stepped into the pile, and touched something with her foot.

     "Hey!" A Lost boy yelled. "I'm already here!"

     "Sorry." Annie mumbled, and kept on running. She heard the sound of running feet and twigs being snapped behind her, and turned around. Annie saw a flash of green, as Peter came running towards her. He grabbed her, and spun her around. Peter held her by the throat up against a tree, her feet barely on the ground.

     "It's hide and seek, Dearie. Not tag." Peter said with an evil grin on his face.

     "I-I couldn't find anywhere to hide." Annie replied. Peter let go of her neck, and watched her stumble in front of him. He grabbed onto her arms, helping her gain her balance.

     "You've gotta learn to be more careful." Peter said. Annie looked up at him, and smiled slightly. His eyes were a light green, and for once his face was filled with kindness. Peter let go of Annie's arms, and cleared his throat. With one last glance at her, he ran away to go find the Lost boys. Annie tucked a piece of hair behind her ear, and watched as he ran away. Annie smiled as she looked down at the ground, and headed back to camp.

 Annie smiled as she looked down at the ground, and headed back to camp

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