Bargaining with the King

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Why Kano WHY?  Why do I let her talk me into things like this?

I was currently being dragged down the halls of our school by my best friend so she could show me her favorite club: the Host Club.

I had heard about the famous host club, it sounded like a waste of time and money. A huge pet peeve of mine was boys that are attractive and they know they are. So they feel the need to act like complete douche bags around any living, breathing female.

But since Kano is my best friend and she puts up with things that I like, I might as well return the favor and see that she likes. Even if it was a group of boys with way too much time on their hands.

"You are going to love them (Y/n)! Especially Tamaki, he is my favorite!" Kano squealed excitedly.

"Whatever you say, Kano," I huffed.

We approached a room at the end of the hallway marked "Music Room 3". I sighed and prepared my self for what may be inside as Kano slowly opened the double doors.

"Welcome," a group of male voices said. I winced at the impressive amount of light coming from the room.

When my eyes adjusted I saw a group of six boys. One of them was sitting in a chair while the others were standing around him. The one in the chair was blonde with violet eyes, he had to be Tamaki.

From what Kano told me about him, he looked exactly like I expected him to. Standing around him were two red-headed twins, a short blonde kid holding a stuffed bunny, a very tall brunette, and a slightly shorter black haired guy with glasses.

I'll admit, they weren't unattractive, but I could already tell their egos were through the roof. The blonde in the chair stood up and starting walking towards us.

"Ah Princess Kano, so glad to see you again," he placed a hand under her chin and looked deep into her eyes, "now that my Princess has arrived, my aching heart can finally be settled, how I have longed for your return." Kano turned a very deep shade of red as she giggled like a five year old girl.

I tried so hard to contain my laughter, but a small snicker escaped my mouth. The blonde turned his attention towards me and smiled, "And who might this be my dear?" he asked Kano.

Still love struck, Kano didn't say anything, she just kept staring at him. I cleared my throat, "I'm (Y/n), (Y/n) (L/n), I'm Kano's friend."

The two red heads were suddenly at both my sides, "Looks like we've got ourselves a new guest. She is in our class, we recognize her, but she is awfully quiet."

Feeling very uncomfortable because of how close they were, I instinctively tried to move away, but was met with two violet eyes.

"Hikaru, Kaoru, leave the poor girl alone," he grabbed my hand and pulled me away from the twins, "can't you see she is uncomfortable."

I instantly pulled my hand away, "Please don't do that," I hissed.

I heard the twins chuckle from behind me, "See boss, you are the one making her uncomfortable," they said in unison.

They weren't wrong, but this whole situation was making me uncomfortable.

"So my dear, what type of guys are you into? Perhaps the mischievous type?" he gestured towards the twins

"The strong, silent type," he pointed towards the really tall boy.

"The boy-Lolita," he pointed at the short blonde boy who looked like he was actually seven years old.

"The cool type," that was the one with glasses, who was very uninterested in the whole conversation, his nose was stuck in his notebook.

"Or maybe," he placed his hand under my chin, "you're into a guy like me." He lowered his voice and tried to make it sound seductive.

I yanked my chin out of his grasp, "I don't care, I'll just go where Kano does."

Kano wrapped her arm around mine, "Yay! That means we are both going be with Tamaki!"

I groaned and made eye contact with the boy in question. He dramatically flipped his hair and winked at me.

It's times like this when I really questioned my friendship with Kano.

With Tamaki leading the way, we made our way to a couch and sat down. He sat in the middle of us, but mostly focused on Kano, which I was thankful for.

I looked around the room, observing all the other hosts. They all seemed to be occupied with each other, except for the one with glasses.

He didn't really seem like the type to enjoy this sort of thing. I would guess he would have the same thoughts on the Host Club as I did, but he just stood there smiling as he wrote things in his notebook.

He looked over at me and smirked, then proceeded with writing things in his notebook. He was definitely a strange character, not that any of them were really normal.

I was snapped out of my thoughts when I felt an arm wrap around my shoulder. I spun back around and found Tamaki a mere inch away from my face.

I jumped back in surprise, but his grip just tightened around me. "Your attention is not where it should be my dear, tell me, what causes you to look away?"

"Ugh probably the fact that I don't want to look at you for long periods of time," I said under my breath.

Tamaki gasped dramatically and removed his arm from around me, he then cleared his throat and collected himself again. "What do you mean by that?" he asked, a little to eagerly.

"Exactly what I meant," I stood up and moved away from him, "this whole club is the stupidest thing I have ever witnessed. Don't you all have better things to do with your time then give false compliments to girls?"

I had been backing away towards the exit the whole time I was talking and slowly raising my voice so they all could hear me. I felt a thud against my back, I quickly turned to see an expensive looking vase falling towards the floor. I gasped and dove to try and save it.


I was too late; it shattered into pieces. I was standing there like a moron with my mouth wide open, not sure what to do.

I slowly turned my head back around to the boys, terrified of what their reaction might be.

The twins sighed, "We were going to feature that Renaissance vase in an upcoming school auction!" one of them said.

"Now you've done it, the bidding on that vase was supposed to start at eight million yen!" the other said.

My eyes widened to the size of baseballs, "WHAT? EIGHT MILLION YEN?!" My knees felt very weak all of the sudden, barely feeling able to support the crushing weight that was just placed upon.

"How many thousand yen is that? How many thousands are in a million?" I tried doing the math in my head, but was stumped quickly. "Uh, I'm gonna have to pay you back."

The boy in glasses smirked, "With what money? It's common knowledge that your father is CEO of a big company and you are his heiress, but he won't give you any money unless you work for it."

Common knowledge? Yeah right, how did he know that about my Dad?

He continued, walking over to the vase remains and picking up a piece, "Well, what do you think we should do, Tamaki?"

Great! My fate was in the hands of the guy I just insulted! I'm dead!

Tamaki sat down in a chair and crossed one leg over the over, "There's a famous saying you may have heard, (L/n). 'When in Rome, you should do as the Romans do.' Since you have no money you can pay with your body."

Oh he better not mean what I think he means, or he is going to die.

"That means starting today, you're the Host Club's dog!" he yelled excitedly.

Dog? What does that even mean?

I was soon to find out exactly what it meant, and it was the last thing I wanted to do.

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