Lobelia Chicks

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I'd just want to say that this is one of my very favorite episodes in the whole show, so I'm am so excited for this one! Enjoy! This one is long.

"Really? All the afternoon classes have been cancelled?" I asked Renge.

"You mean, no one told you? It's going to be crazy around here for the next two days. Ouran is hosting an exposition for the cultural clubs. Drama and choir clubs from a bunch of other schools have been invited. It's a big event the school hosts annually," she explained.

"Wow, it sounds interesting. I hope it will be fun."

I felt two hands plunk down on my shoulders. I groaned, already knowing who it was.

"(Y/n), we are out of somethings, go and get them for club activities later." The two devils said in unison.

I groaned again, "Why do I have to go get it?"

"Because it's part of your job," Kaoru said.

"But the cultural club exposition starts soon," I whined.

They picked me up by my arms and started carrying me to the door, "Yeah, but it's not mandatory, so if you're not interested, you don't have to go," Hikaru said.

The gave me a wad of cash and a list, "And with that being said, be careful out there!" They said as they pushed me out the door.

I cursed them under my breath and started walking down the hallway. "Hey (Y/n)! Wait up!" A voice called after me.

I turned around and saw a couple of Hikaru and Kaoru's guest walking up to me; they were also in our class.

"Thanks for helping them out, (Y/n)." One of them said.

"No problem. I just wish they'd buy their own stuff," I grumbled.

"Well, I don't know if that'll ever happen, but I'm glad they seem to be having a good time. And it's all thanks to you."

"All thanks to me?" I asked, surprised.

"We've been in the same class with the twins ever since middle school. They didn't use to be this cheerful and friendly. They were always quiet and withdrawn, they didn't have many friends. It's like they didn't want anyone to get too close. I guess things started to change when the host club was created. Since then, they've come out of their shells little by little."


"But they've really opened up since you've joined the host club. Now they talk and joke with everyone in class. That's why we wanted to make sure you knew how grateful we are to you. Because of you, the twins are having fun and enjoying each day to the fullest."


The whole time I was at the store and walking back to the school, the girl's words were echoing through my head.

Was I really making that much of a difference in their lives?

I had never noticed it before, so it couldn't have been that big of a change. Am I affecting the others? If I am, is it in a bad way?

My thoughts were cut short by a loss of my footing. I started falling to the floor, but I was caught. I gasped and looked up at my savior. It was a really tall girl with short brown hair and a different uniform. She was definitely from another school.

She set me down and smirked at me, "It'd be a shame for any harm to come to that cute face of yours, young lady." I looked up at her, she flipped her hair and giggled softly.

Okaaaay.... who is this girl?


She escorted me all the way back to the club room. I told her she didn't have to, but she insisted. As we approached Music Room 3, I saw two other girls in the same uniform as my new "friend" that were talking to Tamaki. He, along with the rest of the boys, were dressed in armor like knights; they even had real swords.

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