Honey's Cavity

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The guests had arrived. Honey seemed to be really busy today; Tamaki and I watched from the sidelines.

"What was a close call earlier, huh, Tamaki?" I teased him.

He glared at me. "Shut up, I'm just glad we settled that Usa-chan issue without any violence."

I nudged his shoulder with mine before walking away and grabbing a tray with a tea set on it. I walked around to see if anyone needed refills, passing Honey's table. I saw he was eating cake, as per usual.

"Uh, Honey-senpai, you can't keep eating nothing but sweets all of the time. You know, you're gonna end up with a cavity." I warned him.

He giggled. "Oh, don't worry. I always brush my teeth," he chomped on another piece of cake, but this time, he grunted in pain. He set down his fork and placed a hand on his cheek.

"Honey? Is it..."

"Nah, it's nothing, 'kay."

I placed my hand on his shoulder, "Let me just take a look in your mouth."

He started squirming, which made me tighten my grip on him. I tried to move his hands from his mouth, but to no avail.

"There's nothing wrong! Quit messing with me! Leave me alone!" He whined.

Mori walked over and pushed me out of the way, grabbing Honey and pinning him down. He forced his mouth open and looked inside.

Tamaki walked over and looked over his shoulder, "So is it a cavity?" He asked.

"Yeah," Mori replied.

"It's alright, I'll be okay," Honey said, on the brink of tears.

"Tamaki," Mori said, looking over his shoulder.

"Yes, you're right, I'll take care of this," Tamaki turned around and cleared his throat, "Until Honey-senapi gets over his cavity, I'm afraid he can't have sweets."

Honey let out a horrified gasp at this.

"Therefore, we'll be supportive and ask that you kindly refrain from eating snacks in the club room until this ordeal is over."

"No, no, don't Takashi," Honey whimpered, tears streaming down his face, "please don't take my snacks away. You can't. Don't do it. What'll I do without them?!"

Mori walked over to the table and picked up the piece of cake Honey was eating. "I can handle it! Please don't take away my cake!" Honey yelled after him.

Mori turned to face him, "No more cake," he stated.

Honey wailed and ran over to me, jumping into my arms and sobbing into my shoulder. "Please (Y/n)-chan, don't let him take my cake away," he whimpered. I wrapped my arms around him and hugged him.

It broke my heart to see him so heart-broken, but I knew it was for the best. I looked over at Mori, who was looking at the two of us sadly. He took in a deep breath, then turned and continued walking away with the plate.

This can't be easy for him, he cares about Honey more than any of us do. It must hurt him a lot to see him so sad.


The next day I was walking in the halls with the twins and we came upon Honey and Mori. Honey's jaw was wrapped up from the dentist and Mori had caught him with candy in his bag.  Honey soon after started crying again and ran off.

"Oh man, that was rough," the twins said.

"It breaks my heart to see Honey like that, I know he is older than us, but he is almost like the little brother I never had," I said sadly.

"You know, I had no idea that Mori-senpai could be so brutal. You wouldn't expect it," Hikaru said.

"I thought his principles kept him from doing anything to upset Honey-senpai." Kaoru added.

"And to think that he could get the boss to go along with him."


Later that day in the club room, I heard Tamaki talking to a girl about not being able to share chocolate together. I smirked to myself, he is definitely struggling with this whole sweets thing.

Tamaki stood up and was walking past me when I said, "Impressive, Tamaki, that was quite an act. Missing sweets, aren't you?" I teased him.

He tensed up and gave me an annoyed look, "Whatever, the club's number one priority is our guests. All that matters is their happiness."

"You had better watch yourselves out there," Kyoya piped up, "don't give any sweets to Honey-senpai, no matter what tricks he resorts to. Oh, and incidentally, those instructions come from Mori-senpai. This isn't my doing."

"So is it just me, or does he seem to be enjoying this?" Hikaru asked from behind me.

I shrugged and walked back over to my table of awaiting guests.


A while later I was walking through the courtyard on my way to my next class when I saw Mori talking to some girl. I stopped walking and hid behind a pillar to listen to the conversation.

"I just can't hide it any longer, I have to get this off my chest. I need to know what your feeling are towards me and if you'll accept my love," the girl said, looking shyly at the ground. Mori said nothing, he just stared at her as if his eye spoke for him

"Will you, please? Unless, of course, there's someone else. Please tell me," she pleaded, "Is there someone else who's dear to you?"

Mori still did not answer. Come one Mori, give the poor girl an answer.

The girl sighed and lowered her head even more, "There is, isn't there?" Tears started streaming down her face, "I should've known." She turned and ran away, sobbing.

What was that all about? I know Mori is usually quiet, but he could of at least given her an explanation.

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