A New Kasanoda

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The next day we found ourselves in the same seating arrangements as the day before, but this time, Kasanoda had some interesting news.

"Huh? Somebody's out to get Mori-senpai?" Tamaki asked, puzzled.

"No doubt about it. I was there, I saw everything. He's obviously gotten on somebody's bad side." Kasanoda confirmed.

"Nah, that's impossible," Hikaru dismissed.

"There's no way Mori-senpai would ever be on somebody's bad side." Kaoru added.

"How can you be so sure? You don't know that." Kasanoda growled.

"Don't you worry, your pretty little head about that. Operation "Bossanova's Total Image Makeover" is in full effect as of right now!" Tamaki shouted.

"Hold on! What are you talking about?! What do you mean you're starting right now?! Are you gonna pretend that yesterday never happened?! Thanks to yesterday's makeover, people were even more afraid of me than they usually are!" Kasanoda shouted back.

"Now hold on a second. Let me explain, Bossanova. We all support you one hundred percent. Yesterday, the twins were just getting a little carried away. Forgive them."

Kasanoda softened his glare, "I'm sorry. I will follow your lead from here on out."

Everyone, but Kasanoda and I went over to a white board Tamaki had drawn up and started planning. I walked over to Kasanoda and decided to be friendly.

"Hey Kasanoda," he turned to look at me, "just thought I'd warn you, I wouldn't put too much faith in that bunch if I were you."

He looked away from me, "Thanks, but Morinozuka recommended these guys to me. I don't have much of a choice, without their help I got nothin'." He looked back over at me, "Hey, I don't think I've met you before. What was you name?"

I smiled and sat down next to him, "I'm (Y/n) (L/n). We're both first-years. Just like you, I was admitted when I got to high school. Guess we're buddies."

His eyes widened a little bit when I said "buddies", his cheeks started to turn a little bit pink. "So, (Y/n), do you like to play kick the can?"

My mind raced back to the last time we played it. Tamaki and I were sitting at the rose pavilion, it was almost perfect. "Well, to be honest, it's not my favorite thing in the world, but it is fun to play once in a while."

His cheek got even more red. He stared at me, as if something was wrong. "What is it?" I asked.

"Bossasnova!" Tamaki called.

His flipped around to him, "Yes?" he asked in a high pitched voice.

"I think we've finally come up with something that'll change your tough guy image."

They held up a pair of fake cat ears and put them on his head. We all stood back and examined him. Our conclusion: the ears did nothing, he still looked mean.

The twins suggested they go all the way and make him a kitty-eared maid, but I stopped them and told them that was taking it too far.

Soon after, Kasanoda left and I couldn't stop thinking about what he said to us the day before. It's like they forget I'm young and sometimes I just wanna play. I wanna get out with my fellas and play game of Kick the Can!

"I don't think an image change is really what Kasanoda needs." I said to myself.

"I think you're right," Honey walked over to me, "I sure hope he realizes it soon."


Later, I found Kasanoda in the courtyard talking to himself. "Now let me see how that wing of yours is doing. Hey, it's looking pretty good!"

I looked at what he was holding and saw a tiny bird in his hands. "Is that a sparrow?"

He looked at me in surprise, "Oh, (Y/n). What are you doing here?"

"I just thought I would take a walk, guess we got the same idea. So, what happened to him? Your sparrow?"

"I saw it fall from it's nest the other day. I could tell it was hurt so I took it to the vet. They say he'd be fine in no time."

I sat down next to him, "Aww. So, do you mind if I feed it?" I asked.

"Uh, go ahead," he placed some seeds in my hands and carefully handed me the bird. The little guy started pecking away at the seeds.

"Look out!" I heard Honey shout. I looked over and saw him launch into the air and kick a can out of the way. The can burst open and the contents splattered all over me. As soon as it hit me, the little bird took to the sky and flew away.

"It flew away," Kasanoda said, sounding revealed.

I looked down at the red paint that had just splattered all over me. I was definitely going to have to change.

"Ah! (Y/n)! What happened?!" Tamaki shouted, "That's not blood, is it?!"

I stood up and faced him, "Would you calm down? It's just a little paint."

"You sure you're alright, (Y/n)?" Kasanoda asked me.

"Yeah, I'm okay," I turned back to Tamaki, "I'm going to go change."

"Want us to come help you?" The twins said, suggestively.

"Drop dead," I spat at them, walking off towards the school.

(Insert everything that happens before she walks away. I'm just too lazy to type it all out ;) )


I had just slipped out of my dress when I heard the door open behind me, "(Y/n)? Are you okay? I'm sorry about-" Kasanoda stopped in his tracks.

I gasped and covered myself, "Get out!"

He screamed, "My bad!" turned around and bolted out of the room.

"PEEPING TOM!" I heard the twins yell from outside. They started hounding him about being a pervert. I knew it was all an accident so the boys were definitely over reacting.

Since my uniform was ruined I had to change into another dress. I threw on the blue dress that the twins gave me at the beginning of the year and headed out the door.  I heard Kyoya threatening Kasanoda with his private police force, so I rolled my eyes and opened the door.

"Come on, guys. Stop scaring Kasanoda." I turned towards him, "sorry about all this."

"Hey, (Y/n)." He said nervously.

"Look, it's alright, I know it was an accident. Don't let these guys bully you into anything, they are just very protective." I assured him.

He cheeks turned red again. "Well, well, Bossanova," Hikaru hissed.

"Since you've seen her undressed, are you in love?" Kaoru taunted.

I heard a scream come from the corner of the room. I turned and saw Tamaki curled up in a ball. While the twins continued to tease Kasanoda, I walked over to him and knelt down.

"Tamaki?" I cupped his cheek with my hand, he didn't move, he just stared into the distance. "Tamaki?" I tried again, a little more forceful. Nothing. "Suoh!" I shouted. He flinched, but still said nothing.

I groaned and looked over at Mori, "Hey, Mori-senpai, can you come help me?" He grunted in acknowledgement and walked over to me. He must've known what I meant because he picked Tamaki up and headed into the club room to set him down on a couch.

I walked past Kasanoda, he still looked way embarrassed, and his face was still very red. He kind of looked cute all flustered, I gave him a smile as I walked past.

There is always something about a bad boy...

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