The Beach

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I was doing my homework in the club room when I was confronted by the two doppelgangers. "(Y/n)! We are going to the beach!" They shouted at me.

"The beach? But why?"

"Don't you remember what you said? You said you'd like to go to a real beach."

"Well, yeah, I remember, but why today? There aren't any beaches around here and it's the afternoon."

"Kyoya had invited us to stay at his summer villa in Okinawa for the weekend," Hikaru said.

"It's right next to the beach and we'd be alone the whole weekend," Kaoru added.

A weekend alone with six boys? Yay...

"Plus you already have that bikini we gave you, so why not use it again. After all you did look good in it," they said in unison.

I rolled my eyes, "Thanks guys, but I don't know if I can--" they cut me off by wrapping their arms around me.

"Aw, come on (Y/n)! It would be really fun!" They begged.

Tamaki stomped over to the three of us, "You punks better quit sexually harassing my little girl!" he yelled, "I've had enough of you!"

The twins let go of me and hid behind the table. "That means we're not going to the beach?" They asked.

"Who said that we're not going?" Tamaki said, more calmly this time.

"Really? So you wanna go after all?" The twins asked.

"Can Usa-chan come too?" Honey asked.

"I have no problem with that," Kyoya answered Honey.

"Let's all go to the beach!" Tamaki shouted.


After a VERY long drive, we finally arrived in Okinawa.

"So, why'd we come to Okinawa? Why couldn't we have gone to the Caribbean? or even Fiji?" The twins asked.

"Do you think (Y/n) has a passport with a father like her's" Kyoya answered.

"You do realize that I can hear what you're saying, right?" I hissed at them.


Hours later, we had gotten to the beach and everything were doing their own things. What I didn't know, was that we were bringing our guests with us. They were all girls, but I really didn't want them to be there.

"Uh, why?" I groaned, sitting under the shade of an umbrella.

I was watching Tamaki, who was out sitting on a rock with a girl, and on the shore was a huge line of girls waiting to sit with him.

"This sucks. I thought going to the beach meant a day off. The twins totally lied to me."

Tamaki and Kyoya joined me in sitting on the beach. Kyoya sat in a chair and Tamaki laid next to me on the blanket. The twins also came over and talked.

Please, everybody come over and join me in my misery.

"You were invited on this all-expenses-paid vacation for a reason, and that is to keep out clients entertained," Kyoya said.

"But I don't even have any clients here, and I don't think any of these girls like me."

"Why don't you tan or something (Y/n)? You are wearing your swimsuit, just take off your t-shirt." The twins said.

I can't help but feel like they want me to take off my shirt. Pervs.

Tamaki sat up and glared at the twins, "My little angel shouldn't be prancing around in a swimsuit," he wrapped his arm around my shoulder, "at least not in front of two perverts like you."

Finally, something we agree on, but he is kind of a pervert himself.

"You didn't seem to mind when we were at the water park," I hissed under my breath.

Tamaki brought me closer to him, "What was that, my dear?" He whispered.

I sighed, "Nothing Tamaki."

I wasn't in the mood to tell him off, I just grumbled in my own thoughts. After a while, I stood up and walked down the beach, kicking the sand as I trudged.

"(Y/n)-chan!" I looked up and saw Honey waving me down. "Wanna go hellfish shunting?"

"I think you're trying to say shellfish hunting, but this doesn't seem to be that kind of beach, Honey-senpai. You're not going to find many shell--" I looked over at him and realized he already had a bucket full of them.

Apparently, Kyoya's police force brought shellfish for Honey as an apology for what happened at the water park. Honey and I had already gathered a ton of them.

"Amazing! Look how many we've got!" Honey shouted.

"We're going to have some fancy side dishes tonight! Hey Tamaki!" I called after him. He turned and looked at me then smiled, "Dinner is going to be awesome! It's a major haul!"

"Oh, I'm just so proud! Look at my little girl!" He yelled.

He walked over to me and picked up one of the crabs we caught, "Tell me, (Y/n)? Isn't this crab...crab-tivating?"

I giggled at his joke, "Oh yeah!"

His cheeks turned a little pink, "You're so cute."

All the sudden a bug started crawling on the crab Tamaki was holding. He started freaking out, so I quickly grabbed the bug and threw it over by the rocks.

The twins came up to me and rest their arms on my shoulders, "Hey, (Y/n)" they said together. "Now, I know most girls aren't really the bug-loving type, and I certainly didn't think that you were, but--" Hikaru started.

"Don't you think you could have been easier on that little guy?" Kaoru finished.

"Oh please, it's just a bug, it's not like I killed a person. Besides, I didn't see any of you doing anything about it," I hissed at them.

They smirked and walked over to Tamaki, they must have assumed I was out of ear shot, but I could still hear them.

"(Y/n) is not normal. I thought girls were afraid of bugs." Kaoru said.

"I'm sure she's afraid of something," Tamaki said.

"Hey, Boss! Listen up! We just thought up a new game to play that could be a lot of fun. What do you say? It's called the Who Can Find Out (Y/n)'s Weakness game. Think you're up to it?"

Tamaki gulped, "That game sounds terrible!"

"I guess you're right. Besides, she'd only share her weakness with someone she was really close to," Hikaru said as they started to walk away.

Tamaki gasped, "What are the rules?!"

"Now that's more like it!" The twins said together, "the deadline is sunset tomorrow, whoever finds out her weakness first, wins."

Kyoya approached them, "And I have the perfect prize for the game's lucky winner." He held up three picture of middle school.

How did he even get those?!

Tamaki and the twins gasped at the sight of them. "We wanna play too!" Honey yelled.

"I guess that means we're all competing," Kyoya said.

"Where did you get those pictures of (Y/n)? I have to have them! Hand them over!" Tamaki yelled, trying to grab them from Kyoya.

"I have my sources, how about we just leave it at that for the moment?" Kyoya smirked.

I walked over to them and cleared my throat. They all turned to me and widened their eyes. "Before you ask, yes I heard everything. Also good luck trying to find my "weakness" I doubt you'll find out."

The twins smirked, "So you do have a weakness?" they said together.

"Of course, everyone does, but don't think it's going to be easy to find out. I won't make it easy for you." I spat.

"Ah! A challenge! I like it!" they shouted.

I rolled my eyes and turned around to walk back to my blanket on the beach. I just hope they don't find out what I'm scared of, I'd never hear the end of it.

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