Mori's Punishment

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Later in the club room, Honey waddled up to me, his head low and his posture awful. "Honey-senpai?"

Honey rose his arm and grabbed mine, "(Y/n)-chan, am I a bad person? I just don't understand why everyone hates me. What have I done?" His eyes were full of tears and his lip was quivering.

I could hear my heart shatter into a million pieces. I knelt down and hugged the little host; he hugged me back and started crying into my shoulder.

"Honey, no one hates you, it's because we all love you so much that we don't want you to be in pain anymore. If you eat sweets, it will only make your cavity worse," I explained to him.

Honey stopped crying and shoved me away. I furrowed my eyebrows and watched as Honey started pacing in circles in front of the storage room.

I stood up and walked over to the others who were sitting at a table. We all watched as Honey became more and more irritated.

"He's gonna crack," Tamaki stated.

"Would somebody please talk to him, he's scaring me." Kaoru complained.

"Um, did you not see me just try?" I hissed.

Honey kick the door open and walked inside. "He's headed for the candy!" Hikaru yelled.

"No need to worry, we emptied out all the sweets," Kyoya said, proudly.

"Kyoya, you seem really chipper today," I pointed out.

Across the room, Honey opened a cabinet and looked inside. He grabbed somethings and pulled out Tamaki's teddy bear, then slammed in onto the ground for the second time that week.

"He keeps doing that to my teddy bear!" Tamaki yelled.

Honey walked back into the room, and collapsed onto the floor. "Well, there he goes. Three days and he gives up," the twins said.

Tamaki walked over to Honey and shook his shoulder, "Um, Honey-senpai?"

Honey shot up and bit Tamaki's hand. Tamaki screamed in pain, "Somebody help me! He's eating my arm off!"

Mori stood up from the table and walked over to Honey. "Mitsukuni, don't take this out on other people."

Honey stopped, letting go of his hold on Tamaki. Tamaki sighed, "You saved me, I though I was a goner."

"It's disgraceful," Mori spat.

"Takashi," Honey growled before grabbing Mori's arm and flipping him to the ground. "You idiot!"

Everyone gasped loudly as Mori slammed onto the ground and skidded across the floor. "A little bit isn't gonna hurt me! You're so mean! You're such a hard-head!" Honey yelled, tears starting to steam down his face, "That's it, I hate you! I hate you Takashi!"

Mori sat up and looked at the ground sadly. Honey burst into tears and ran away. "Honey-senpai!" Tamaki yelled before chasing after him.

We were all frozen with shock. I couldn't believe that just happened. The twins walked over to Mori, "Hey Mori-senpai, that was harsh. Will you be alright?"

Mori stood up and struggled to keep his balance, he crashed into a table and it knocked over, breaking the tea set that was on it.

"Wow, senpai, it looks like he really got to you. I don't know what's going on, but it seems like you're self-destructing." Hikaru said.

"Maybe Honey-senpai wouldn't hate you if you hadn't have been so hard on him in the first place," Kaoru added.

Kaoru has a point, but Mori is never usually that mean. He must've had a reason.

Then my brain clicked. "It was on purpose." The twins turned to me in wonder. "Mori-senpai, by any chance, have you been acting like this be cause you're trying to get Honey-senpai to hate you?" I asked him.

Mori said nothing. "Why would be do that?" Hikaru asked.

"It makes no sense. That would be like the end of the world for Mori-senpai," Kaoru added.

"Why would he do it on purpose?" They said together.

I walked over to them, "Well maybe because he was trying to punish himself." Mori slightly turned his head towards me. "I'm right, aren't I?"

"Yeah, you are." He finally said, "This was my fault. Mitsukuni has a cavity because I'm careless. Twice before his nap time, I forgot to make him brush his teeth."

This is the most I've ever heard him talk before.

"But that's not really your responsibility. He should know better," the twins said.

"But if Mitsukuni has to get false teeth, it'll be my fault."

"Don't worry. That's not gonna happen."

Wow, what a pessimist.

"I wouldn't be able to live with myself right now if he hadn't thrown me down."

"Because he felt at fault, Mori-senpai wanted some sort of punishment from Honey-senpai to make up for his failure," Kyoya explained.

The door, from which Honey and Tamaki had exited, opened again revealing a much more calm Honey. He looked sadly at Mori; Tamaki placed his arm around him.

"Well, there you have it, Honey-senapi. What will you do now?" He asked.

Honey's eyes filled with tears, he wailed and started sprinting towards Mori. "I'm sorry! I'm so sorry, Takashi!" He jumped into Mori's arms. "I promise! I won't forget to brush my teeth again! I won't forget!" Mori smiled and hugged him back.


A few days later Honey had fully recovered from his cavity, so we lifted the ban on sweets, and Honey went right back to eating loads of cake. Kyoya was sitting at a table, grumbling to himself and rapidly typing on his calculator.

"What's with Kyoya?" I asked.

"Cause Honey-senpai is back to eating snacks again. All those sweets get expensive," Kaoru explained.

"Excuse me," a quiet voice said.

"Oh my, looks like we have a new guest, gentlemen," Tamaki said.

It was that girl that I saw Mori talking to the other day. She shyly walked over to us and stopped a couple of feet away from Mori.

"Well, Mori, I understand now. I know who you feel so strongly about, and it's okay." She looked over at Honey, then up at Mori. "I must say, I find it a little surprising that it's Honey. To think he is so special to you, I don't know. It's just so... I can't explain it. It's just so...YAY!" She shot her head up and grinned from ear to ear.


Renge came up behind her and placed her hand on her shoulder, "Congratulations! You've just taken your first big step into a brand new world!"

Run girl, run while you have the chance!

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