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Tamaki was currently sulking in the corer because of what I said to him. "Uh, I'm sorry, Tamaki," I really wasn't though.

Hikaru and Kaoru laughed and both rested their elbows on the top of my head, "You're a hero, all right!" they said together.

But he is a pain in the neck.

"I'm sorry, Tamaki, but your lesson did strike a small chord with me," I lied.

Tamaki stood up and spun around, "Really? It did? Let me teach you more, my dear."

Well he got over that quick.

"Boss?" Kaoru asked.

"Call me King!"

"You can teach her all the basics of hosting," Kaoru started.

"But she's not going to get very far with the guys if she doesn't look the part, you know?" Hikaru continued as he walked around to face me, "She's not exactly Host Club material,"

Why is everyone picking on my appearance today? So what if I have glasses, I never wear makeup, and my hair is always in a ponytail? I am not trying to impress anyone.

Hikaru took a hold of the sides of my glasses, "But maybe if we took off her glasses, it'll help." He pulled them off my face.

"Hey I need those!"

Both of the twin's eyes shot open, they stared at me as if they just swallowed their tongues.

"I used to have contacts, but I lost them on the first day of school!" I yelled, trying to grab my glasses from Hikaru.

Tamaki ran up behind the twins and pushed them out of the way, gasping at the sight of me. He snapped his fingers, "Hikaru! Kaoru!"

"Got it!" They grabbed both of my wrists and quickly pulled me out of the room. They threw me behind curtains and left me alone there.

Within a few minutes they were back, holding a dress. "Here! Change into this dress!" they said.

"What, but why? I am already wearing one!" Sadly, this school's uniforms were hideous.

"Don't ask questions!" they yelled before pouncing onto me, trying to get me changed.

"Okay, fine! I'll change, but you two have to get out!" I yelled at them. I kicked them both very hard in the butt and they flew out of the curtains.

I changed into the dress and after a while a few adults came in and helped me do my hair and my make up.

This wasn't part of the deal, why do I have to do this?

After they left I stayed behind the curtains, just looking at myself in the mirror. Wow they did a good job, I didn't look half bad. The dress was a beautiful shade of blue with long sleeves and a lacy pattern. It was a little too short for my liking, but it was really cute.

My (h/c) locks were curled and perfectly placed on my shoulders. My makeup was done to make my (e/c) orbs really pop out. I wasn't going to lie, I looked hot.
(If you have short hair, then forget about the ponytail thing and the curled hair)

"Aren't you done changing yet?" Tamaki's voice came from behind the curtain.

"Uh, Tamaki?" I walked over and opened the curtain, "you sure it's really okay for me to keep this dress?"

Everyone's eyes widened and Tamaki started freaking out.

"Look guys, I don't care whether I am wearing make up or just looking like I normally do. In my opinion, it's more important for a person to be recognized for who they are rather than for how they look," I stated.

Tamaki's jaw was on the floor and the others were just smiling. "Well isn't this an interesting development?" Kyoya said.

"Oh yeah!" the twins said.

"(Y/n)-chan, you look so cute!" Honey said.

"If he had known that's how you really look," Hikaru said.

"We would have helped you out sooner!" Kaoru finished.

"Who knows, maybe she'll draw in some customers." Kyoya stated

But why? How would I help draw in girls?

Tamaki put his hand over his mouth and started to turn a bright red. "Now, I could be wrong, but I think we may be witnessing the beginnings of love here," Kyoya smirked. I shot him a glare and shook my head.

Tamaki shook his head and collected himself, "Our errand girl is moving up in the ranks! Starting today, you are an official member of the Host Club. I will personally train you to be a first-rate host. If you can get one hundred customers to request your service, we will completely forget about your eight million yen debt."

"Wait, so I am going to be hosting...girls?" I asked unsure.

"If they want you yes, but we have had several boys ask us when were going to get a female host. I guess today is that day," Kyoya explained.

I don't know if I can handle this.

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