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We were all gathered around a table in the club room all preparing for the upcoming party, while Tamaki was sulking in the corner eating ramen noodles.

"Hey Boss," Hikaru called out, "why don't you stop eating that commoner's ramen and come over and help us with the party planning."

"Does it really bother you that Princess Kasuga has taken a liking to (Y/n)?" Kaoru asked.

"He shouldn't be surprised, she's had the illness for a while now, hasn't she?" Kyoya said.

"What illness?" I asked, a little concerned.

"She's got the host-hopping disease," Hikaru said.

"A.k.a. the never-the-same-boy-twice disease. Even though you are a girl, it applies to you," Kaoru finished.

"Usually our customers choose a favorite host and then see them regularly. However, Princess Kanako tends to change her favorites on a regular basis," Kyoya explained.

"That's right! Cause before she chose you, she was with Tama-chan!" Honey exclaimed.

"Oh, so he's upset because I took her from him?"

Tamaki popped up and yelled, "Shut up! I couldn't care less! Ugh, I'm running out of patience, (Y/n)!"  he pointed at me, "It's time you started wearing makeup everyday!"


"I don't understand how you could be so popular with the guys when you don't even care about your appearance!"

"Well, you seemed to be the only one that cares, because I keep getting customers. And at least I'm wearing the contacts that you guys gave me and not pulling my hair back anymore." I argued.

He ran away and returned with a box marked 'King's Private Property.' He started rummaging through the box,  "That's enough, (Y/n). Now you listen to Daddy," he pulled out a large picture of...me, in that blue dress last week.  What the-?

"Daddy wants you to look like this everyday!" he yelled.

"Don't go blowing up my photos without asking me first! Also when did you have time to take that picture last week?!" I yelled back.

Tamaki placed it on the wall and fell to the floor, crying. Everyone gathered around it and stared at it.

"The more I look at this picture, the more amazed I am. How could that possibly become this," Hikaru pointed towards me then the picture.

"Gee, thanks you guys, you know a girl always loves to hear how bad she looks. You know, for being hosts, you do a poor job of making every girl happy." I hissed at all of them. "Besides, like I said before, I was never trying to impress anyone, so I didn't care the way I looked. I could look like a dude for all I care-"

Tamaki ran up to me and got right in my face, "A girl should never refer to herself as a dude! Momma! (Y/n) is using those dirty boy words again!" He sunk to the floor and started sobbing again.

"I'm sorry, but who is "Momma"?" Kaoru asked.

"Based on club position, I assume it's me." Kyoya sighed.

"Look, I don't see what you're crying about. Working as a host, I can pay back more of my debt, it'll never happen if I'm just an errand girl. And I seem to be doing fine without putting face paint on everyday." I spat at the blonde.

"Hate to change the subject, but do you have formal dancing experience? You'll need it at the party," Hikaru asked.

"Uh, no, but the party doesn't have anything to do with my quota, right? I'm not interest in going to events, so if I could be excused--" I was praying that they would say yes.

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