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I was at Ouran again. It had been years since I had last roamed these halls, I had forgotten how much I loved this place. And now, my own kids were going to attend here... At least someday.

I roamed the halls of the south building. After all these years, I never forgot the way. On the top floor, at the end of the north hallway, in a music room that is never used, that is the place. The place where it all started.

I approached the large double-doors, a gentle smile graced my lips. I touched the doors, lowering my hand to the handle and slowly opening the door. I could almost hear the voices of the Host Club members welcoming their guests.

The room was empty, but I wasn't expecting anything else. The smell of the room awakened memories long forgotten of spending hours in this room just goofing off. They say that the strongest link to sparking a memory is through one of the six senses - not sight, taste or touch, not even sound, but smell.

I closed my eyes and took a deep breath. Even though the only thing to smell was the stale air of the abandoned room, I could smell so much more. I could smell the roses we would give to every guest, the tea that I made so many batches of, the cake that Honey-senpai refused to stop eating, and even the smell of each and every one of the Hosts.

One seemed to have a more powerful smell than the others: Tamaki.

After all these years, his smell never changed; he still smelled of roses and peppermint. I never would have admitted it to anyone at the time, but when he wasn't around, I would actually want to be with him. He was the only one I felt I could relate to. Him and the others became the family I had always longed for, the family my father never gave me.

I was too busy reminiscing to hear the door open behind me. I took in one last deep breath before I felt a hand slither around my waist. My eyes shot open, I looked up to see two very familiar eyes looking at me.

"I knew I'd find you in here," he said in an almost whisper.

I chuckled softly, "I wanted to see it again, it's been years."

He smiled and looked around the room, "I know, I've really missed this place."

He moved his arm from my waist to my shoulders and pulled me close, gently rubbing my arm. Despite all the years that we had been together, he still made my heart flutter whenever he touched me. I sunk into the warmth of his side and wrapped my arms around his waist, hugging him close to me.

After a few minutes I looked up at him. He did the same and smiled, "What? I know that look, what are you thinking?"

"Why me, Tamaki?"

He looked confused, "What do you mean?"

"You were the King of Ouran, you had hundreds of girls after you, you could have had any girl you wanted, why did you choose me?"

Tamaki smiled at me. He turned to face me, placing one hand on my hip and the other on my neck with his thumb caressing my cheek. "Because my dear," he spoke softly, "you were the one I wanted. It took me a while to realize it, but even though I was the 'King' I always felt...alone. The Host Club did help, but there was always something missing. That was until I met you, you filled that empty hole in my heart. You kept me in line, you didn't act like all the other girls, you didn't take anyone's crap, and you put up with all of our ridiculous behaviors. To this day, you still do. You are your own person, and that's what I like about you--what I love about you."

"Oh, Tamaki," I sighed.

He leaned forward and caught my lips in a sweet and passionate kiss. After our first kiss during the Ouran Fair I was addicted, I couldn't bare not to be with him and I could barely breathe when he was around. His kisses were my salvation and my torment. I lived for them and I would die with the memory of them on my lips. I dedicated my life to being with him from the moment of that first kiss, for I knew that if I lost him I would loose myself. He was the half that made me whole.

The day he asked me to be his girlfriend, I thought I was in love. The day he proposed, I felt in love. But the day I married him, I knew I was in love.

I, (Y/n) (L/n), had fallen for the King, Tamaki Suoh, and I was more than happy to become his queen. Now, expecting our own little prince, I never, ever asked myself again: why me?

Okay this is probably the cheesiest thing I have ever written, but I couldn't help it!

I have had such a good time writing this story and I hope you all enjoyed reading it! But alas, it has ended!

Be sure to leave a like and comment and I will see YOU in the next fanfic,


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