Nap Time

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Okay okay okay. It's going to get a little confusing. I am going to be skipping several episodes because they are really only relevant to Haruhi or they just aren't important for the story.

Also I will be changing the events is some episodes so stay tuned for a roller coaster of emotion! Thanks guys!

This is Honey's Three Bitter Days:

"Now you've done it!" Tamaki yelled.

"It's done alright, but it wasn't our fault." The twins argued.

"What?! You idiots! You're the ones who bumped into it, right?!"

"Only because (Y/n) was running away," Hikaru explained.

"We were trying to catch her cause we wanted to have some fun and dress her up in cosplay," Kaoru finished.

I groan at the situation at hand. I was currently sandwiched between the twins; they caught me before the "incident" happened. And that incident would be the twins bumping into a table, and tipping over a cup of tea onto Usa-chan, Honey's most prized possession.

"So what, we cosplay all the time!" Tamaki yelled.

"We weren't going with the usual Host Club costumes. We want to see (Y/n) in bunny cosplay disguised as a girl," the twins said, smirking.

"Disguised as a girl?" I said to myself. I am a girl you idiots.

"You'd like to see it too, wouldn't you?" they asked the blonde.

Tamaki gasped and started turning red. He turned around and started muttering to himself, then he grasped his hair and shouted, "There's no time for stuff like that right now! I know what you're up to!" He pointed at the twins, "You're trying to distract me from the mess you've made!"

The twins were smothering me with hugs, and it was getting to the point where it was hard to breath. I couldn't break their grasp, no matter how hard I tried.

"Get away from (Y/n), you punks!" Tamaki yelled.

"No way!" the redheads shouted.

"Let me go!" I hissed at them.

Tamaki ran over and pried the two doppelgangers off me, then wrapped his arm around my waist and brought me into his chest.

The twins and I were so taken back that we didn't say anything else. We just exchanged surprised glances then all looked at Tamaki. He was turning red again; I giggled and slowly moved out of his grasp.

The twins smirked at Tamaki, which set him off. He grabbed the two by their shirts and started yelling at them while he shook them back and forth.

Kyoya looked up from his laptop and sighed. "Excuse me, we don't have any guests at the moment, so I don't mind if you make a racket, but please. Be careful, you don't want to wake Honey-senpai."

Tamaki stopped yelling, we all turned to look at the small third-year who was sound asleep on one of the couches.

He's a third-year who still takes afternoon naps? "Well, we're going to have to tell him about Usa-chan at some point. Let's just wake him up and apologize," I started to walk over to him.

"No, wait! Don't get any closer to Honey-senpai!" Tamaki and the twins whispered in unison.

"Come back, it's safe over here!" Tamaki whisper shouted.

I rolled my eyes and walked back over to them, "What are you talking about?"

"Honey-senpai wakes up in a very bad mood after napping. Now, this may be just a rumor, but the Haninozuka family once visited a U.S. military base to give combat training. Supposedly Honey-senpai slept through most of it because of his jet lag. Then, a soldier came in and carelessly tried to wake him up since he had been sleeping for so long. On that day, he wiped out two entire platoons of soldiers and not just any soldiers, Green berets! And I've heard we've had diplomatic issues with America ever since that day."

"How terrifying!" The twins whined.

I wasn't really buying any of this, it just sounded like Tamaki was exaggerating a simple story.

"And we've got a bigger problem, Usa-chan was handmade for Honey senpai by his deceased grandmother. You've seen the way he carries it around, that little bunny is his most prized possession. I can't imagine how he's gonna react when he wakes up and sees that his precious Usa-chan is ruined!"

"He's gonna do to us what he did to those green berets!" All three of them yelled.

I scoffed at them, "You're exaggerating, it's impossible for that story to be true. I mean, come on."

"It is! And there is other evidence that Honey-senpai has an evil side to him. Listen to this, his blood type is AB, how do you like that?!" Tamaki said.

"Yeah, so what?"

"But, (Y/n), that means he's the same blood type as Kyoya!"

They gasped and looked over at the vice-president. "What's the matter? Do you guys have a problem with my blood type?" He asked, still typing away on his computer.

Oh my gosh, what does sharing blood type have to do with anything?

I got bored with the conversation and walked away. I walked over and sat next to Mori who was reading at the table along with Kyoya. I got a few minutes of solace before my absence was noticed by the three idiots.

"(Y/n)! You're going to have to wear the bunny suit!" Tamaki yelled, holding up a bunny costume that looked like Usa-chan.

He walked over and grabbed my arm, pulling me from my seat. "What why?!"

"We are going to send Usa-chan to the cleaners and while he's gone you need to step in!"

"Forget about it!" I tried to get away, but Tamaki's grip was strong. "I'm not wearing that stupid bunny suit, it's not going to work, he'll know it's me!"

"No, he won't! He won't be able to tell the difference if he's just waking up from a nap!"

"Then why don't you wear it, Tamaki?!"

"It won't be cute if I wear it! Come on this is the least you can do! Since we can't get another bunny, you have to step in!"

I pulled as hard as I could until I finally escaped his grasped. I immediately ran over by Mori and tried to catch my breath.

I looked over and saw Honey stirring. "He's awake! We'll have to use a substitute! We've got no choice!" Tamaki shouted.

Honey sat up, rubbed his eyes, and looked down at the "substitute" Tamaki had placed before him. A brown teddy bear sat in the place of his beloved bunny. Honey grabbed the bear and threw it onto the ground with impressive force.

"No! Not my teddy bear!" Tamaki screamed.

"He's gonna come after us next! He just spotted his bunny rabbit!" The twins shrieked.

Honey walked over to the table where Usa-chan laid, soaking in tea. He picked it up and examined his dirty friend. "Who's responsible for this?" He finally said, turning towards the three idiots, "Who got Usa-chan dirty?"

The three amigos started screaming. "Someone help! Mori-senpai! Don't let him hurt us!"

Mori stood up and faced his friend, "He wanted tea, so Usa-chan decided to have a a drink," he stated plainly.

Honey's face lit up, "I see, so that's why his face is all dirty, isn't it? Hey, do you think he wants some cake too?"

Tamaki and the twins let out huge sighs of relief. I couldn't help but giggle at them; they all shot me death glares, but I just smiled bigger.

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