Eclair Tonnerre

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His hand cracked across my face, snapping it back with the force of his blow and causing my head to reel sickeningly.

The slap was as loud as a clap and stung my face. It had been an open-handed smack and it had left a red welt behind. Just below my eye was a small cut where his ring had caught me. I staggered backwards, clutching my face, eyes watering. A series of gasps exploded throughout the room.

"Is this how my daughter has been wasting her time?"

I held back the tears and stood to face my father. "You are an embarrassment to the (L/n) name." He pushed past me and headed over to the Chairman.

"Suoh, my friend. I am sorry you had to witness that. "

"That did seem rather harsh, given how exceptional she really is." The Chairman huffed.

My anger tuned them out. I did my best to keep in my tears and my frustration. The Host Club members ran over to me. "(Y/n), are you alright?!" Tamaki asked anxiously.

"Your dad is so mean!" The twins said.

"You should never, ever hit a girl!" Honey said, sadly.

"(Y/n), he wasn't upset with you, because of the Host Club was he?" Kyoya asked.

I lowered my head and became very interested in my feet, "Don't worry about it. It's not like I haven't been expecting this."

"(Y/n)!" I heard someone call.

"Coming!" I called back.

I rubbed my cheek one last time and put my happy face back on. I walked over to some of the guest and thanked them for coming. I always knew father wouldn't approve of this, I shouldn't let this ruin the fair, or my day. I replaced my fake happy face with my genuine smile.

A few minutes later the doors opened once again, revealing an elderly woman. Tamaki's face lit up and he raced towards her. "Grandmother! I'm so glad you could come!"

I walked back over to the guys, "That's so sweet. So that's Tamaki's grandmother?"

"I hate that woman," Honey hissed, clutching Usa-chan closer to his chest.

I furrow my eyebrows then looked back to Tamaki. He stepped aside and gestured to the whole room, "Please come in, take a seat."

"Don't patronize me," she hissed. "Filthy child."

My eyes widened at this woman. What was that about?

"Lady Eclair, come over here for a moment please." She called.

The girl that I had greeted earlier, who kept staring at me, walked up to them and faced Tamaki. She was twirling her theater binoculars behind her back.

"For the remainder of the day and tomorrow, you will be Lady Eclair's person escort."

Eclair stood just inches away from Tamaki, looking at him as if he were a piece of steak. He stared at her also, not really knowing what to do.

"What's wrong? I gave you an order," his grandmother hissed.

"Hello there, Tamaki," Eclair greeted, flirtatiously.

Tamaki cracked a polite smile, "Very well, grandmother. I will do everything in my power to ensure her happiness. Just as you wish. Come my princess," he placed a hand on her lower back, "let us be off."

And with that, they left. I felt a small touch of anger boiling in the pit on my stomach. Tamaki just abandoned us to be with some girl.

"Tama-chan isn't coming back, is he?" Honey asked.

"Eclair, right? Or something like that. Does he really plan on spending the entire Ouran fair escorting some stranger. Who is she to him? That's the mystery." The twins traded saying.

"I can tell you," A voice said. We turned and saw Renge standing there. "Eclair Tonnerre, she's the youngest daughter of the renown French Tonnerre family. They descend from royalty. Their wealth is something of a legend among financial heavyweights. In fact, just being associated with them makes you part of a very elite group. They also own Grand Tonnerre, a firm that's been buying up a lot of businesses in Japan lately. Of course, that doesn't explain why Lady Eclair has come here to visit Tamaki."

I felt the anger in my gut start to grow. How could he just abandon us like that for some rich girl? Probably just so his family can be in their good graces.


I was in the club room changing when I heard the door open.

"In here?" a voice said.

"Well, it is a music room after all," another voice said. I knew that one was Tamaki, so the other must have been Eclair.

The sound of the piano started to echo throughout the club room. I pressed up against the door of the prep room and tried to listen for any conversation.

"So this is the room where you and that precious little Host Club of yours hold court, is it?" Eclair asked, "I must admit it was impressive seeing you all in action earlier. You must be very close."

"Naturally. You know what they say, "the family that plays together stays together"." Tamaki said.

"Family? What a sentimental notion. I believe here in Japan they refer to that as "playing house". You're so whimsical, Tamaki. I'll bet they fall all over themselves trying to keep up with you. Especially that pretty little pet of yours, the one who got slapped by her father."

Tamaki hesitated in his playing, so I took the opportunity to make my presence known. I opened the door, causing both of them to look at me.

"Oh, (Y/n). What are you doing?" Tamaki asked.

"I just came back to change outfits. You were the one who wanted us to change costumes at least three times a day." I walked a little closer and glared at the two of them. "Look, everyone's upset with you for disappearing on us like that. You should be with your club."

"My apologies, I'm afraid he belongs to me for the time being. Forgive me for asking, but do I detect a hint of jealousy?" She gave me an amused smirk.

I clench my jaw and opened my mouth to snap something right back to her, but Tamaki beat me to it.

"Oh (Y/n)! So is it true?! Is it true?! You're actually jealous?!" His smile was bigger than his ego.

I rolled my eyes and walked over to the door, "Sorry, but no. I guess I'll be leaving now, some of us have work to do. I hope you enjoy for evening." I hissed before I closed the door.

"Hey, wait a second! (Y/n)!" Tamaki called after. I stopped and waited for him to burst through the door, but he never did. So I continued to make my way back to the Center Hall, trying to convince myself that I wasn't jealous.

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