Tamaki: The Kermari Failure

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Covering the Famous Host Club:

It's so peaceful. I guess I'm finally getting use to this. Took me long enough, it's been this way since I started.

Today's activities were being held outside and our outfits were (Insert clothing name here. Sorry I have no idea what they wear in this episode, I tried to look it up.) They were actually quite comfortable.

"(Y/n)! Duck!"

I didn't have time to think before Tamaki slammed into me and bulldozed me to the ground. I groaned and opened my eyes to see Tamaki laying on top of me. His eyes flared with anger as he stood up.

"Hikaru, you came this close to snuffing out the light of (Y/n)'s life!"

So much for it being peaceful.

"Hey, it's your fault for not catching the ball in the first place, Boss," Hikaru said.

"Yeah, who knew that he'd be so bad at kermari? So much for him being the "Genji of Ouran Academy"." Kaoru said to his brother.

"What?! You think so? Well, check this out! STARLIGHT KICK!" Tamaki kick the ball as hard as he could at the two blabber mouths. Only, it didn't go any where near them.

It flew over their heads and towards the school. "Take care of yourself! Bye!" The twins called after it.

We heard a faint sound of glass shattering in the direction the ball went. I stood up and held my, now aching head, "Nice going, Tamaki, you broke a window and my skull."

Tamaki turned to me and his face softened. He walked over and placed his hands on the sides of my head, "(Y/n), are you okay? I was merely protecting you from Hikaru's terrible shot."

I lowered my hands and smiled at him, "Yeah, I'm okay. Although it hurt like the dickens, I guess I should thank you for pushing me out of the way."

Tamaki let go of my head and spread out his arms, "Well, you can pay me back with a hug!"

I smiled and rolled my eyes, then wrapped my arms around his chest. I took in his scent once again, he smelled like roses and peppermint. I smiled into his hold and let out a satisfied hum.

"Uh, (Y/n), you can let go now," Tamaki said.

My eyes shot open and I realized how long I had been hugging him. I quickly removed my arms and cleared my throat awkwardly, "Sorry." I could feel my cheeks turning red.

Tamaki laughed and patted my head, "You are so adorable."


After that we investigated the broken window, we found out that Tamaki broke the newspaper club window, and knocked the president in the head.

"Really, we're terribly sorry about that," Tamaki apologized, bowing his head.

Honey and I were cleaning up the broken glass from the floor, but it was a little difficult in our outfits.

"Don't worry, it's no big deal. It could have happened to anyone right? Just a ball flying through a window and hitting me upside the head," the president said sarcastically. The two other club members were posted at his side.

"Please accept our apology!"

"Well, this works out perfectly. I was just thinking about approaching the host club about a cover story. I don't suppose you'd be interested?"

"I didn't know we had a Newspaper Club," I said.

"It's more gossip rag than newspaper," Hikaru stated.

"Yeah, like a trashy tabloid. It's filled with stories about scandalous love affairs, family power struggles, and junk like that," Kaoru added.

"It's just a lame gossip rag that specializes in stirring up scandal. And everyone knows it's all lies, so nobody reads it anymore," they said together.

"You know, I guess we had kind of lost sight of the truth because we've been so worried about drawing in more readers," the president explain, "it's a shame we're just now realizing our error, now that the paper is at risk."

Tamaki gasped.

"We've finally realized what we should have been reporting to the students of Ouran," he stood up from his chair and the three of them bowed to Tamaki. "Help us, please. For our last paper of this semester we'd like to do an up-close special edition, revealing the charms of Ouran's Host Club members. I'm begging you, without your help, our club will close."

Tamaki chuckled and flipped his hair, "You can count on use. On behalf of the Host Club I accept--" Kyoya elbowed him in the face. Tamaki yelped in pain and stumbled into me.

"We have to decline." Kyoya said politely.

"But Kyoya! He got hurt because of me! What's the bug deal, huh?!"

"Sorry, we have a policy prohibiting us from sharing personal information with anyone other than our guests. But we'd be more than happy to pay any medical expenses related to your injury." Kyoya said.

"And another thing," Kaoru piped up, "what makes you think we'd want to help you spread more rumors and gossip? We've got a reputation to uphold and you'd just ruin it."

"Besides, you guys cause a lot of trouble for other people. And who'd wanna get mixed up with that?" Hikaru asked.

I scoffed to myself. It's scary how much they don't realize about themselves.

The president sighed and sat down in his chair again, "I understand. Well, I guess you really can't erase the sins of the past, can you? People won't even give you the opportunity to try and redeem yourself."

He then began to wail and complain about his head to seek sympathy. This guy is so full of crap, he is just trying to get us to feel bad for him.

"I guess all we can do at this point is disband with grace." He whined.

"No, you don't have to!" Tamaki shouted, "You can always make a fresh start. We'll help. We will rally the power of our Host Club, and we can reestablish the Newspaper Club together!"

"Well, count us out," the twins said. They grabbed my arms and started pulling me out the door.

"You're way too trusting, boss. We can't just go along with everything you do forever," Hikaru said.

"Yeah, we've had enough," Kaoru added.

"We're leaving too, Tamaki," Kyoya said, following us, "we're holding an evaluation meeting, mostly about you."

"Hold it!" We all stopped in our tracks, "how can you be so heartless? These men are about to lose their club. Don't you feel sorry for them?!" He hissed. He turned around and burst into tears, "Their family is breaking up! As your president, I demand you help them! And that is a direct order!"

Kyoya and the twins turned to look at him, "We're not going to do it!"

Tamaki gasped and looked over at me, "(Y/n)! As your father, I command you to help me!"

I scoffed and shook my arms from the twins. I got tired of telling Tamaki he isn't my dad, so I just accepted it. He was a better dad than my real one ever was.

"Tamaki it's too risky for us-"

Kyoya and the twins cut me off, "We're not going to do it!" They shouted again with even more force.

Tamaki cried out and ran into my arms, sobbing. I rolled my eyes and tried to comfort him to the best of my ability. I looked over at Kyoya, he also rolled his eyes and continued to walk out of the door.

"Come on Tamaki, let's go back to the club room."

Tamaki nodded, but didn't let me go. I wrapped my arm around him and guided him down the halls back to the club room.

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