Ouran Fair

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I have had so much fun writing this story and I hope you guys have enjoyed it.

These episodes actually made me cry the first time I watched them.

Be prepared for some major fluff scenes!

The Host Club Declares Dissolution:

"(Y/n)-chan!" I heard Honey call after me.

"Climb on board!" Tamaki exclaimed.

I turned around to see Tamaki and Honey in the back of a authentic, horse-drawn carriage, with Hikaru driving and Mori instructing him.

"We're rehearsing for the big Ouran Fair parade!" Tamaki shouted.

We were in the middle of preparing for the Ouran Fair that the Host club, well hosts. I thought that the carriage was a little much, but when it comes to Tamaki, I should just expect things like that. We all climbed onto the carriage and went on a little ride around the courtyard.

"Hey, you know, you've gotten pretty good at this," Kaoru said to his brother.

"There's nothing to it, you should've practiced with me earlier," Hikaru said.

"Well, just because we're twins doesn't make us both good drivers."

"It's kind of neat having all of us together like this for a carriage ride, huh?" Honey said.

"Yeah, it's pretty cool," I smiled.

"Oh, and for the actual parade tomorrow, we'll all be in 18th century French costumes. Your outfit will be especially opulent, (Y/n)." Tamaki said.

The clock tower bell starting ringing the hour, it was ten o'clock.

"Ah." Tamaki turned and looked at me with great excitment, "The fair's opening ceremony has started." He placed a hand over mine, "let's make this fair the best one yet!"

I couldn't help but smile, "Sounds good to me."


The opening ceremony consisted of dancing in the courtyard and students and parent meeting in the central building salon for a sort of social hour. The Host Club was now open to the general public.

"Now remember, as part of the fair, the Host Club will be open to parents and visitors for the next two days. Which means we will need to be even more charming than usual. Let's get out there and show our honored guests the time of their lives!" Tamaki said to us before we joined everyone.

The boys were wearing black dress shirt and pants with a white vest, black dress shoes, and a red ribbon under their collars to serve as a bow tie, like the girls had on their usual everyday uniforms.

I, on the other had, was wearing and long black and white dress. It had a flowy black skirt and a white top with short sleeves, a nicely shaped neckline, and a bedazzled sash along the waist.

Everyone accept Kyoya and I were walking around, conversing with students and parents. I took everything in, all the decor and fancy outfits that Tamaki had purchased.

"This is a bit too much even by our standards. You could buy a small country with all the money we're wasting." I said to Kyoya who was furiously typing on his laptop.

Tamaki came up behind me and place a hand on my shoulder, "What nonsense! That's not the Host Club way at all and you know it! Happiness is above any price tag! Besides," he leaned in close to my ear, "you look ravishing, my dear."

I wasn't really in the mood for his princely charm today. I gave him a sarcastic smile, "Thanks Tamaki," then I pinched his hand. He yelped in pain and quickly removed his hand from my shoulder.

"(Y/n) is right," Kyoya piped up, "you have overshot the budget. The use of this salon notwithstanding, you had a period-style carriage shipped in all the way from France."

Kyoya sounded annoyed, he turned towards the blonde, who was now looking a little guilty. "Must you always be so capricious? Your impulsiveness overwhelms my accounting skills."

I rolled my eyes and walked away, "Typical."

"Whatever! Capricious is just another work for creative!" Tamaki yelled after me. He kept yelling in my direction, but I tuned him out. I noticed a very pretty girl sitting all by herself that I didn't recognize. I thought I might as well welcome her.

"Welcome," I said to her with a polite smile. Her icy blue eyes glared into mine. "Can I get anything for you? Maybe something sweet?"

She just continued to glare at me until she finally said, "You're with the Host Club?"

"Yes," I smiled.

"But you're a girl.."

"Father!" I heard Tamaki shout. We both turned to look and saw a man in a white suit walking in.

"Do not refer to me as father. The term is far to familiar. You will address me properly as Chairman," the man hissed.

Tamaki looked a little upset at his demand. Kyoya came to his rescue and greeted the Chairman, "Ah very good! Welcome sir. Please, let me show you to your seat."

I could feel eyes on me, I turned to look at the girl. She looked away the second I looked at her and acted as if she didn't do anything.

"(Y/n), you're needed," Kyoya called after me.

I looked over and saw him standing by the Chairman. I cautiously walked over and stood by him. "So you're (Y/n) (L/n)," he smiled at me, "come, sit with me."

"Alright, thank you sir," I sat next to him on the couch, with reasonable distance between us.

So this guy is Tamaki's father? They don't look much alike.

"Nice to meet you, Chairman. I was just thinking that I ought to have paid my respects to you a long time ago. I'm so sorry," I said politely.

He smiled back at me, "You know, "Chairman" is so dry. Why don't you call me, yes." He whipped out a rose from his suit jacket and offered it to me, "call me your uncle. It would please me."

Wow, I guess the apple doesn't fall far from the tree after all. And how come he wants his own son to call him "Chairman", but not a student he just met?

"I find I'm just to busy lately that I'm seldom here in person. But I've certainly heard some wonderful things about you,"

"Oh, why, thank you, sir," I reached up and tried to grab the rose from him, but he grabbed my hand and placed it in himself.

"If ever you find yourself in trouble, I want you to know that you can come to your uncle for anything." He leaned down and placed a kiss on my hand.

I was trying SO hard not to cringe. I kept my polite smile and tried not to look creeped out. I would rather go to my own father with my problems than this guy.

I muttered a nervous 'okay', then Tamaki popped up from behind our couch, "Father..." he hissed.

"That's Chairman." His father corrected.

"What do you think you're doing?! Remove your hands at once, please!" He yelled.

For once I was actually glad Tamaki was acting like my father. I didn't want his guy touching my hands.

I looked over to the entrance of the Hall and saw an all too familiar face. I gasped and stood up and started making my way to the surprise guest.

"Father," I stated softly.

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