First Day

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"Speak of the devil!" Tamaki yelled at me as I walked in the door with a grocery bag in my hands. "Thanks for doing the shopping little piglet, did you get everything on our list?"

"What? Piglet?" What is that all about? And why were they talking about me?

I walked over to him and handed him the bag. He dug around in the bag to make sure I got everything, "You did a good job for your first time, my dear," he leaned over and took my hand, "keep it up," he whispered.

I withdrew my hand and scowled at him. I noticed one of the girls sitting next to him stiffen as he took my hand.

I disregarded it and turned on my heel to go put the groceries away. As I walked past the twins I chimed into their conversation.

Hikaru chuckled, "So he had this nightmare that made him bolt up right out of bed."

"Hikaru!" Kaoru shouted, "don't tell them that story!" Tears started to form in his eyes, "I asked you not to tell anyone that, why are you so mean to me?"

Hikaru stopped laughing, "I'm sorry Kaoru," he grabbed the sides of his brother's face and brought it very close to his own. "But you were so adorable when it happened, I had to tell them. I'm sorry," he whispered.

"I forgive you," Kaoru whispered back.

The girls sitting with them started squealing, "I've never seen brotherly love quite like that!"

Okay. That happened. What are they excited about? I don't get it.

Just then, Mori and Honey walked in; Mori was carrying Honey on his shoulders.

Honey yawned, "Sorry, we're running late."

Some girls on the couches turned to them, "Hello, Honey! Hey, Mori!" one said.

"We've been waiting here for you guys. Hi!" another said.

Mori put Honey down, "I'm sorry, I was waiting for Takashi to finish his kendo meeting and I fell asleep. And I'm still not completely awake." He rubbed his eyes as he struggled to form his sentence.

The girls gasped then yelled, "So cute!" in unison.

Is that boy really a third year student?

"Honey-senpai may seem young and childish," a voice suddenly said from beside me, "but he's a prodigy." I jumped slightly and found the tall boy with glasses beside me.

He continued, "And then Mori-senpai's allure is his strong and silent disposition."

I still didn't know this guy's name; might as well ask.

"Uh...I'm sorry, but what is your name again?" I asked, sounding unsure.

He looked and me then smirked, "I'm Kyoya, Kyoya Ootori, am I the vice-president of the Host Club."

I scoffed, "And let me guess, the president is..." I rose my hand and dramatically gestured towards Tamaki."

He chuckled and straightened his glasses, "That is correct, how ever did you guess?" he asked sarcastically.


I looked up and saw Honey jumping at me. I yelped as he clung onto my arm and twirled me around a few times, "Hey, (Y/n)-chan, do you want to go have some cake with me?"

"Thanks, but I...don't really like...cake," I struggled to form my words because of the massive amounts of dizziness I was experiencing.

"Then how would you like to hold my bunny, Usa-chan?" he held up a pink, stuffed bunny.

I stared at it for a few seconds, "Well, I'm not that into bunnies, but he is really cute."

Honey smiled and handed him to me, "Take good care of him okay?" he ran back over to his group of ladies and giggled as he threw himself over one of their laps.

"You'll notice that our club utilizes each man's unique characteristics to cater to the desires of our guests," Kyoya explained. "I'm sure you are aware, Tamaki is number one around here, he's the king. His request rate is seventy percent."

What's this world coming to?

"In order for you to pay off your eight million yen debt with us, you will act as the Ouran Host Club's dog until you graduate," he stopped and smiled smugly at me, "I'm sorry I meant our errand girl."

Until I graduate?! That's four years!

"You can try to run if you want to, (Y/n), but just so you know, my family employs a private police force of one hundred officers."

Did he just threaten me?

"By the way, do you have a passport?" he asked, pushing up his glasses once again.


Tamaki suddenly slid up behind me, "You're going to have to work hard to pay off that debt, my little nerd." He blew in my ear, causing me to shriek and jump away from him.

I placed my hand over my ear, "Please, don't do that again."

And nerd? Really? Just because I wear glasses?

"You need a makeover or no boy is going to look twice at you," he stated.

"Gee, thanks, but I'm not trying to get boys to look at me." I was fine the way I was, glasses and all.

"Are you kidding me? That's the most important thing, you have to learn to be a lady and please the gentlemen, like me," he winked at me. Ugh

"I just don't think it's all that important, why should I care about appearances and labels anyway? I mean, all that really matters is what's on the inside, right? I don't understand why you even have a host club like this," I spat.

"It's a cruel reality, isn't it? It's not often that a perfect person like moi is created, beautiful both inside and out."

I shot him a glare, "Say what?"

He wrapped his arms around himself and pouted, "I understand how you feel since not everyone is blessed as I am. But you must console yourself. Otherwise, how would you go on living?"

My frustration was starting to grow and my patience was wearing thin. Tamaki started rambling on about beauty and sharing it with the world, but I was in my own thoughts.

There's a word to describe people like him, what is it? Aw, man, I wish I could remember that word. Hmm. Maybe "a pain in the neck?" No, there's something that fits him perfectly.

"But above all else, (Y/n), you must remember, how effective a glance to the side can be." Tamaki finally finished.

"Huh, I've got it!" I finally thought of the word.

"Oh, did I strike a chord--?"


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