The First Date

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"Good morning, Miss (L/n)!" Two voices shouted at me.

I groaned and rolled over in my bed to see who was in my room. "Time to get ready!" They said, excited.

I recognized their voices as the twin maids that helped me pick a bathing suit when we went to the water park. "Huh?" I mumbled in my sleepy state.

They grabbed me and dragged me out of my bed, "Hey! What are you doing?!"

They pushed me around until they got me into a red summer dress, then they did my make up. Afterwords I looked in the mirror and admired their handiwork. I almost forgot why I was being dress up, but then I remembered my date with Tamaki.

I was actually pretty excited, a day with Tamaki sounded really fun. I just hoped that he would be himself again.

We agreed to meet in town so I had Misuzu drop me off. When I got there, Tamaki wasn't there yet so I decided to wait.

"Sorry to keep you waiting," a voice said. I turned around and saw Tamaki standing there.

His cheeks turned red the moment he saw me. He scanned me up and down and smiled that goofball smile of his. It was honestly quite adorable.

"You look lovely, (Y/n)." He said softly.

"Thanks Tamaki. So, what are we going to do?" I asked.

"Oh, nothing too specific, I just thought we would browse the outlet mall by the train station. Does that sound alright?"

"Yeah, that sounds great."

He held out his arm and I gladly took it. We started to make our way to the mall when I looked up at the sky. There were some clouds in the distance.

Everything looks fine now, but Misuzu said it might rain. I sure hope there aren't any thunderstorms today.


For the day we just explored the mall, ate some ice cream, and even bought things for the others. I had an amazing time, even though we weren't doing anything special, I wouldn't have done it any other way.

I honestly didn't consider it a date, it was just two close friends hanging out, but the fact that I was all dressed up made it seem a little weird. It was obviously the twins input on the whole situation.

My thoughts were interrupted by a very faint rumbling sound. I whipped around and looked at the sky, "Did you just hear something?"

Tamaki turned also, "What? No, I didn't hear anything. It's getting late, think we should head back?"


"Then, let's head to the street and hail a cab, okay?"

"Is that you, (Y/n)?" Another voice said.

Tamaki tensed up at the familiar voice. I looked behind him and saw Mukai standing there. "What are you up to?" He asked.

"Hey Mukai, I didn't expect to see you out here," I said to him, walking past Tamaki.

"Well, this is my father's store. You guys out doing some shopping?"

"We were, but now we're about to leave."

"Yeah? We've got a car that can take you back. Just let me ask my dad."

"Don't worry about it, we're getting a taxi," Tamaki snapped.

Mukai looked behind me at Tamaki, "C'mon, don't waste your money on a taxi."

The sky rumbled once again, slightly louder, but still rather quiet. Only loud enough for someone like me to hear it. I gasped slightly and turned to Tamaki, "Hey, why don't we accept his offer? The sooner we get home, the better." I said nervously.

Tamaki clenched his jaw, "Well, I guess you'll be riding home alone, then." He hissed.

"But Tamaki-"

"Just do whatever you want, okay?! You guys can catch up and reminisce, but leave me out of it!" He yelled before taking off down the road.

"Wait!" I called after him.

"Not again. Why is he so upset about you hanging out with an old friend?" Mukai asked me.

I sighed and turned back to him, "I think he is just jealous I'm not giving him all of my attention. He usually acts like this, but it's more of a child way. Now he is genuinely angry over this. I better go find him."

Before Mukai could say anything else, I took off after Tamaki.


3rd Person POV

Tamaki ran. He ran and ran until he was outside of town. He was angry, he was angry at (Y/n), he was angry at Mukai, and he was angry at himself for letting Kyoya talk him into taking (Y/n) out on a date. She obviously was more interested in catching up with her old friends to even notice her friends now.

Tamaki was too distracted by running and too lodged in his own mind to notice that the sky was gray, and rain had started to fall. But he was brought down to earth by a noise that shook the earth.


Tamaki stopped dead in his tracks. He looked up at the sky, finally noticing the storm. All of the sudden, his anger faded away. All his spiteful thoughts and actions slapped him right in the face.

What am I doing? He thought to himself. Idiot! What kind of jerk would leave a girl out in a thunderstorm by herself?! (Y/n) is terrified of thunder, she is probably alone and scared right now. This is all my fault, I have to find her!

Tamaki turned around and took off the way he just came. Running as fast as he could, he searched the whole town, asking everyone and anyone if they had seen (Y/n). He had no luck, she wasn't anywhere in town.

He ran out of breath and found himself outside of town again. He panted heavily, resting his hands on his knees. Where are you (Y/n)?

He looked up and found himself in front of a church. The church door was open and a trail of water led inside. He walked over and opened the door.


He heard a faint whimper come from across the room. "(Y/n)? Hey, are you in here? (Y/n)?" He walked over and found his friend huddled under a table, covering her ears, and shaking.

"(Y/n)." Tamaki cooed.



She whimpered again and closed her eyes tightly. Tamaki grabbed the cloth from on top the table and wrapped it around her, then he sat down next to her and wrapped his arm around her.

"Sorry," he whispered, "I'm sorry for running off and leaving you. And for the things I said about your friend Mukai, I'm so sorry."

"Thanks, Tamaki. I forgive you." She whispered back.

Tamaki tightened his grip on her; a few tears fell down his face. He reached his arm over and put it under her legs, then lifted her onto his lap. She accepted this by wrapping an arm around his neck and burying her face in the nape of his neck.

"Tamaki, don't leave me again." She sniveled.

He shushed her softly and placed a hand on her head, "I won't, I promise. I'm not going anywhere." He placed a small kiss on her forehead.

The last few days were probably some of the best and worst of her life. But she wouldn't trade them for anything, and she knew there would be many to come.

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