Friends: Old and New

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Changing back to normal:

Your POV:

I starred at Mukai in amazement. I hadn't seen him in years. I went to elementary school with him and we were best friends, but we ended up going to different middle schools so I never saw him again.

"So, uh, these your friends?" He pulled me out of my thoughts. I looked over and saw Tamaki and the twins starring us down.

"Oh, yeah, this is Hikaru and Kaoru," I gestured towards the twins, "they're in my class. And this is Tamaki Suoh, he is a year a head of me."

"Nice to meet you guys," Mukai said nicely,

Tamaki glared at Mukai, it was as if he had just insulted his mother and challenged him to a duel.


I sat down with Mukai at a table and we started talking, "I haven't seen you since elementary school, you look way different." I said.

"Yeah, same to you, I see you are letting your hair down now. I remember you refused to ever have it down in elementary." He chuckled.

I played with a piece of my hair, "Yeah, well, I had some persuasion this year."

"So these guys are all in a club with you?"

"Host Club."

"Oh. Is that so?"

"Hey, (Y/n)!" Tamaki called after me. I turned to look at him, "Don't you think you should be working? You shouldn't be slacking off!" He shouted from across the room.

"Misuzu said I could take a break!" I shouted back.

"Wow, you knew you Ouran guys were so funny. You know, it's such a prestigious school. I've always imagined it was a whole different world." Mukai said.

Mukai was actually a "commoner", but he was lucky enough to go our nice elementary school. I never treated him differently, it didn't matter to me whether he was rich or middle-class.

"It's a different world, alright." I assured him.

"To be honest with you (Y/n), I was kinda worried you were going to have a hard time after elementary school. I don't mean this to sound mean or anything, but you were pretty anti-social. I'm glad to see you're doing well." He smiled, and I saw a hint of pink crawl onto his cheeks.

"What's with him?" Tamaki said, rather loudly. "He's trying to use the refreshing innocence approach. Someone should tell him we already had a refreshment contest." He spat.

(You see where I'm going with this ;))

"You're being unusually critical," Kyoya pointed out.

"I'm just sayin'. It's obvious this guys has a thing for (Y/n). It's sickening to watch him try and flirt." Tamaki hissed.

Mukai's head drooped and his eyes fell to the floor. I furrowed my eyebrows and stood up, "Tamaki! What's wrong with you?! Quit acting like such a jerk!"

"Hey, it's no big deal," Mukai stopped me, "he's right, I did have a thing for you once. But who cares, you already turned me down."

Everyone gasped. My face softened and I gave him a sad look. I knew what he was talking about. Right before I moved, Mukai came to me and told me his feeling. I felt horrible, but I told him I didn't feel the same, which was true. That's probably the reason I never heard from him again.

I sat down again and placed my hand over his, "I'm really sorry about that Mukai. It killed me to hurt my best friends like that."

The pink on his cheeks increased in color, "Don't worry, (Y/n). I'm over it already. But you know, I was always drawn to your beautiful (e/c) eyes, and the way you always helped everyone. I liked that about you, even when we were so young, I always thought you were special."

I blushed and smiled at him. Mukai is a really nice guy, and he got pretty cute, not going to lie.


After that we all gathered around a table and were talking about Mukai and I's elementary school experience. Tamaki sat alone at the bar, sipping a drink.

"Hey, Boss!" Hikaru called over to him, "Get over here! This may be our only chance to hear what (Y/n) was like in elementary school."

"Sorry, but I'm not interested." He huffed.

This was the exact opposite of how Tamaki would normally act. I thought that he would jump at any chance to hear anything about me.

"Man, how stupid can you guys get? Where's the fun in sitting around and talking about somebody's past? Besides, doesn't that guy realize (Y/n) doesn't want anything to do with him?" He hissed.

I stood up and started walking over to him. He continued, "She's got plenty of friends, so she doesn't need you around, get it?"

I stopped in front of him, raised my hand, and slapped him across the face. The smack seemed to resonate through the group, creating a shocked silence.

"That's not something for you to decide, Tamaki!" I shouted at him, "I'm not going to tolerate you insulting my friends anymore! You got that?!"

Tamaki let out a small groan, "But why...why should anyone else even matter to you?" He stood up quickly and faced me, "I thought we were your friends! Are we or aren't we?!"

He stopped himself from saying anything else. He pushed past me and ran up the stairs, slamming the door to his room.

I stood there and tried to stifle my anger. Kyoya came up behind me and put a hand on my shoulder, "Don't worry, I'll go talk to him." I gave him a nod of acknowledgment. He walked off and went up the stairs.

I could feel tears filling up in my eyes, but I refused to let them fall. I gathered myself and walked back over to the table.


We all walked outside to say goodbye to Mukai. "I'm really sorry about that, Mukai."

"It's okay. I don't know what I did, but whatever it was, it sure seemed to set him off, huh?" He said calmly.

Just then, the door opened behind us, revealing Tamaki.

"Tama-chan!" Honey exclaimed.

He walked over and stood next to me, then faced Mukai, "I was out of line. I'm sorry." He apologized.

Mukai smiled, "Thanks, don't worry about it." He turned towards me, "Well, see you soon, (Y/n). Bye guys!" He took off on his bike.

Tamaki turned towards me, "(Y/n), I'm really sorry. I shouldn't have yelled at Mukai, or you. Can you forgive me?"

I starred at him for a few seconds then smiled, "Of course I can."

He smiled back at me, "Then, to make up for it, how would you like to go out with me tomorrow on a date?"

I was taken back by his question. A date with Tamaki? Where is this coming from? Does he really feel that bad? Or is he trying to prove something?

I finally smiled at him and tilted my head, "I would love to."

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