Cover Story

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"Well, he's obviously upset with us."

"Yeah, he hasn't even changed clothes."

After we returned to the club room, I set Tamaki on a couch, but he crawled to his corner and began sulking. We all changed back into our uniforms and were currently watching Tamaki push the kermari ball back and forth. He was still in his outfit from our earlier activities.

"I hate it when he ignores us when we're right in front of him, he's such a child." Kyoya hissed.

"Nah, Tama-chan is just a lonely guy, you know? (Y/n), I think you could help with that." Honey said, enjoying a piece of cake.

I looked over at him, "How could I help with that?" He looked over at me a giggled, but said nothing. What was that about?

"A club is like a family. Their family is about to be broken up. I feel sorry for them." Tamaki said between puckered lips.

I relaxed my tensed shoulders and softened my annoyed glare. I turned towards Kyoya, "I hate to give in but would it really be that bad to help out their newspaper?"

"What?" The twins blurted out. "Hey, since when are you taking his side?"

"Just listen, I know him well enough to know that he is going to look over here with those puppy-dog eyes he uses when he wants something and none of us will be able to say no, and so he'll win."

"Let me guess, you are speaking from experience, aren't you?" They smirked at me.

I shot them a glare before continuing, "Besides, maybe I'm wrong, but isn't this the kind of thing we usually go for?"

"Well, no. This seems like more trouble than its worth."

I groaned and looked over at Honey, "Come on Honey-senpai, back me up."

"Count me out. I have this cake to eat, and Takashi sticks with me, right?" Honey said.

I sighed and looked back over at Tamaki. He was looking at me now, giving me the eyes. He looked only at me, knowing he could win my sympathy. And right now, he was.

This boy is going to be the death of me.

Kyoya let out a deep sigh and pushed up his glasses, "There will be come conditions." Tamaki let out an excited yelp. "The outline for their article will be submitted by us, interviews are strictly prohibited, and it is vital that our client's identities be kept confidential. Do we agree?"

"Well, if you think it's cool, Kyoya, then we do too." The twins said.

"I'll do it since Kyo-chan says it's okay," Honey added.

Wow, now they want to do it. That's the shadow-king for you.

Tamaki stood up and ran over to me, wrapping his arms around me and spinning me around. "Yay! We are going to help a family stay together!" He stopped spinning and rested his chin on my head. I rolled my eyes and waited for him to release me.


The newspaper club was ecstatic when Kyoya returned and told them our conditions, which they agreed to. Tamaki took us all out to the courtyard and told up we were going to be playing some commoner games.

I was just going to watch with the newspaper club, but Tamaki made me play. Tamaki stood by a tree and chanted, "The Daruma doll fell over!" We had to walk across the courtyard and get closer to him, but we couldn't move when he finished chanting or we were out.

After a few rounds, I managed to sneak away and join the newspaper club on the sidelines. "President, what are we witnessing?" Sakyo asked the president.

"Why are you asking me? How should I know!?" The president snapped at him.

"You know, I can't blame you for being shocked. I was unfamiliar with it myself, but it's a commoner's game. They have a wide variety of them and they don't require spending any money." I explained to him.

"And what does this have to do with our coverage of the Host Club?"

I raised an eyebrow at him, "Well, if you want to clear the negative reputation of the Newspaper Club and attempt to capture the hearts of your readers, you must try to be more down to earth. Tamaki is hoping you'll write about us "frolicking" in the fields enjoying these games."

He turned towards me, "You're (Y/n), right? You wouldn't mind if I asked you a few questions, would you?"

"Yeah, sure."

"So why did you join the Host Club?"

"Well, honestly, I joined because I was forced to-"

"You're a first-year student, correct?" He asked, getting closer to me.

"Um, yeah, I am..."

"So in other words, the fact that you're a member of this club is just another example of how the Suoh family loves to flaunt their power."

"Say what?"

"Now if you would, please tell me all about Tamaki's dark side. If you can help me out here, I just might be able to set you free." His face was now inches from mine.

I placed my hand on his chest and pushed him away. "Sorry, but as far as I can tell, he doesn't have a dark side."

He growled. "That can't be right, you expect me to believe that a group of high schoolers actually enjoys playing these childish games?"

I looked over at the boys, then back at Komatsuzawa. "I don't think it's that weird."

"You have got to be kidding me!" He yelled.

"Look, I know it seems weird to you, but have you even met these guys? They can be pretty childish, and you were the one who wanted to write a true story about them, or, us." I stated.

He grumbled to himself and crossed his arms. I looked back over to Tamaki and made eye contact with him. "Hey (Y/n), get over here! We are going to play kankeri!" I smiled and joined them.

"You're "it", okay Kyoya?" Tamaki pointed at his friend.

"If I must," he sighed.

Tamaki took in a deep breath and screamed, "STARLIGHT KICK!" for the second time today. He drew back his leg and kicked the aluminum can as hard as he could. Everyone started scrambling around to find somewhere to hide.

I felt someone grab my hand, "(Y/n), come with me! Run!" Tamaki took off into the maze of roses, dragging me with him.

I don't think he has a dark side, could he? Now that I think about it, I don't know anything about Tamaki's family, but he is way too nice to all of us. There is no way he has a dark side...right?

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