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Getting close to the end now! I'm excited! I love the next few episodes I will be doing!

Mori-senpai Has an Apprentice Candidate!

(Y/n)'s POV

After the whole Lobelia thing, it was nice to just get back into normal club activities. Today we were dressed in late Edo era as samurai. I was even dressed up like a man.

Renge had even joined us in the cosplay, but she was dressed in a regular Kimono. She had drilled us for several minutes with a history about the Edo era.

"Not having us cast ourselves in specific roles was good advice. Allowing the guests to just be free to fantasize on their own was a brilliant idea, Renge. I'm very impressed," Kyoya said.

"I told you it would work. I think dressing (Y/n) as Soji Okita was perfect!" She hollered.

I was confused by Kyoya's comment because it looked like everyone, except Tamaki, was wearing the same outfit.

I was pulled out of my thoughts by a loud slashing noise. We all looked over and saw that Mori had plunged his spear into one of the decorative sliding doors.

"Mori-senpai? Why the sudden lunge?" I asked, shocked.

"Please calm down, Mori-senpai! I know you're upset that you only have one line a chapter. We're 3/4 into the story and you haven't had your own chapter. Is that it?! I'm sorry!" Tamaki shouted. (Um excuse me, fourth wall? Where did you go?)

"No," Mori said, removing his spear and opening the door, "we have a trespasser."

I peaked behind Mori and saw an angry looking, redheaded guy sitting on the ground. He growled and lunged for Mori. "Takashi Morinozuka!"

I stepped forward, ready to stop a fight, but Tamaki held me back. The redhead quickly bowed in front of Mori, "Senpai! Please take me on as your apprentice!"

Great, now who is this guy?


We all changed and gathered on one couch, while our mysterious intruder sat across from us.

"Ritsu Kasanoda, 1st year Class D. Heir to the 3rd generation head of the Kasanoda syndicate, the most powerful gang in the Kanto area. He was admitted this year into Ouran Academy's High School. He has long red hair, a mean looking appearance, is reserved and has a few friends. It is said that if your eyes meets his, you'll have bad dreams for three months. If you bump into him, you'll end up in the hospital. And talking back to him sends you to an early grave. He is so feared by his classmates that they call him "The Walking Blizzard"." Kyoya dished out this kid's entire identity in less than a minute.

Kyoya seriously freaks me out sometimes. Also this kid doesn't look that scary, I mean I wouldn't want to get him mad, but I mean he was just a guy.

"Seriously? But why would a human weapon like yourself want to be Mori-senpai's apprentice?" Tamaki asked Kasanoda.

Kasanoda tightened his shoulders, "Well, because... look, I may be tough, but I'm not a "human weapon". I was just born with a face that makes me look mean all the time."

"Well, at least you're aware of it, Casanova." The twins said.

"It's Kasanoda!" He corrected.


"I said it was Kasanoda! Do you wanna die?" He yelled at them.

Tamaki and the twins fled behind the safety of the couch. "Man, he really is mean-looking." They said in unison.

Kasanoda collected himself and took in a breath, "Sorry about that." He placed a hand on his forehead, "This always happens because of the way I look. I've always had this mean look, ever since I was born. Even when I was just a tyke my father would say I would be the greatest gangster of all time. So, ever since I was a kid, I've been taught how to be the Godfather of a gang. My pops was a good teacher and he made me a true gangster. That's great and all but everyone is afraid to come near me. Even my fellows are scared of me. So, I'm all alone. It's like they forget I'm young and sometimes I just wanna play. I wanna get out with my fellows and play a game of Kick the Can!"

"A good game of Kankeri is awesome!" Tamaki added, nudging me with his elbow, "right (Y/n)?" I rolled my eyes and elbowed him back.

Kasanoda continued, "But I've been living the life of a gangster and I don't know how to interact with regular people. Morinozuka senpai, that's why I need you to show me, how do you manage to have so many friends, when you're just as mean looking as me? You're expressionless, distant, and you hardly ever talk. Plus, you've got a mug that looks like a watchdog from hell. So, how come you've got so many friends? What are you doing that I'm not? Please teach me your secrets! I'm begging you!" He fell to Mori's feet once again.

"What now, Boss?" Hikaru asked.

"Should we do something about this?" Kaoru added.

"Just leave him alone, don't get involved. Like he said, he wants to be Mori-senpai's apprentice." Tamaki instructed, "So, that means, Mori-senpai decides what to do. This isn't something that any of us should be interfering with."

I was very impressed with Tamaki's maturity... up until the point he got a desperate look from Mori to help him. So Tamaki did what Tamaki does best: take charge.

"Well, in that case, since you insist, Mori senpai, I, Tamaki Suoh promise you I will do whatever I can to assist you."

Tamaki walked over to Kasanoda, "Now lift your head, Bossanova."

"It's Kasanoda," I whispered.

"From now on you may address me as King, okay, Bossanova?"

"That's not his name," I said, a little louder this time.

"There are many differences between you and our beloved Mori-senpai, but there is also one very definitive thing that you are lacking. And that is a lovely item." Tamaki pointed very strongly at him.

"A lovely item?!" Kasanoda sneered.

"Bossanova, I would like to introduce you to a lovely item named Mitsukuni." Tamaki pointed over to Honey. "Sure, Mori senpai may be kind of mean looking and he may seem distant when you first meet him. But what if we put Mitsukuni on his shoulders? Suddenly, it's like he's a forest Teddy Bear that all the animals adore! In addition, this lovely item also plays up Mori-senpai's strong and silent character. Even without saying anything, just by placing Honey-senpai next to him, people begin to have a new found admiration for Mori senpai. Suddenly he's seen in a positive light as a nice, quiet young gentleman. That's the plan. I'm not exaggerating when I say most of Mori-senpai's charm's directly related to his friend, Honey-senpai."

Wow, now that he mentions it, Mori doesn't really do anything.

Tamaki went on, "Unfortunately, Honey-senpai is on a long term lease to Mori-senpai right now, so I can't let you borrow him. Don't worry. I'll come up with something to take his place. So, the next thing we need to discuss is your disturbing Yankee fashion sense." He snapped his fingers, "Now, Hitachiin Brothers."

The twins ran over and saluted him, "Sir!"

"It's your job to make this man more fashionable!"

"Roger!" They sprung into action and attacked Kasanoda. By the time he left, the twins had forced him to wear sunglasses, changed his hair style, given him a green and yellow scarf, and gave him a teddy bear to act as his "lovely item".

This poor guy has no idea what he is getting himself into.

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