The Twins Fight

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"Let's all play the "which one is Hikaru" game!" the two redheads yelled in unison.

The girls giggled and clapped.

"So, can you tell which one of us is Hikaru?" they asked.

"Well, it's hard to say. You're identical!" one of the girls said.

"Many ladies have tried to tell us apart, but so far none have succeeded!"

"That's the dumbest game I've ever hard of," I spat as I walked past the twin's table.

"What? Have you got a problem with it, (Y/n)?" they asked.

"Not really, I just don't understand why the two of you are so popular," I turned around and looked at them.

"That's not very nice," they said together.

"I'm disappointed," Hikaru sighed.

"Apparently you don't understand the merits of having a pair of twins as members of the Host Club," Kaoru said.

They started rambling about how important the whole twin thing was to the club, but I tuned them out. At least until I heard very high pitched squealing, followed by booming footsteps.

Tamaki ran up to the three of us, laptop in hand, "Hikaru! Kaoru! When I gave you control of the club's website I did so on one condition, that you'd take it seriously!" he yelled.

"We take our job very seriously, boss," Hikaru said.

"In fact, last night we worked on it 'til dawn!" Kaoru stated.

Tamaki flipped open the laptop and shoved it in their faces, "Is this what you worked so hard to create?!"

On the laptop were pictures of me...wearing a bikini. I instantly felt an unsettling feeling in my stomach.

"You look great, (Y/n)-chan!" Honey said.

A group of guys gathered around Tamaki's laptop to look at the pictures of me. He left it to them and stomped back over to the twins.

"Tell me when!" Tamaki demanded, "When did you take pictures of (Y/n)!"

That's when I stopped listening, I was too shocked to move. I felt like dying in a hole somewhere.

Please just let me escape this cruel reality that is my life.

After a minute I snapped back into it and shot a glare at the twins, "Now cut it out. No more making weird pictures of me, you got that? Just what do you guys take me for anyway?"

They grin mischievously at me, "Isn't that obvious? You're our toy." they said together.

Toy? Seriously? I was about ready to start throwing punches.

"In order to entertain oneself in this otherwise boring life..." Hikaru said.

"One must find himself stimulating toys," Kaoru finished.

I clenched my fists, " I am not your toy, okay?" I hissed at them.

I stomped away, pushing both of the twins out of the way in the process. I was so done with them today, I just wanted to go home and be in my room.

I sat down at one of the couches and tried to calm myself down. They are just boys being boys, the sooner you get use to it, the faster paying off your debt will seem.

My thoughts were interrupted by a scream of bloody murder followed by a cry of, "You murderers!" I looked up and saw a black, hooded figure run into a room with two massive double doors and slam them shut.

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