Kimono Day and a Surprise

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(Moving right past Episode 3 because it is irrelevant for this story)

They're up to that nonsense again.

I looked at the twin who were in the middle of one of their "brotherly love" moments. Today we were all dressed in kimonos, mine was purple with pink flowers, and the twins even tied a white ribbon in my hair.

"(Y/n), you've booked another appointment," I looked over at Kyoya who was writing something  in his notebook like always, "You've had a pretty steady flow of new customers lately. Keep up the good work. I'm not going to charge you interest on your debt like I normally would so keep this up and you should be able to pay it off. Although, the rental fee on that kimono you're wearing is nothing to sneeze at."

He's like some kind of heartless tax collector!

Two girls walked up to Kyoya, "Hello Kyoya!" one said.

"I can't get over how great you look in that kimono. Are you planning on releasing any more picture books of the Host Club?" the other asked.

She was referring to the picture books of all the hosts Kyoya put up for sale a while ago. I rolled my eyes, but earned an intense glare from Kyoya.

He smiled at the girls, "Unfortunately we don't have anything planned at present, ladies."

The twins poked their head above the room separator that was behind Kyoya, "But doesn't the club make a lot of money from the sale of promotional items?" they asked.

Kyoya turned to face them, "That's true, but the items are poor quality. Those picture books were full of nothing but amateur hidden-camera shots. However," he pushed up his glasses, "if we want to create some higher-quality, money-making products, I'm afraid we'd have to draw money from the school's budget."

He started punching numbers into his calculator. If it wasn't for Kyoya, the host club would spiral into the depths of bankruptcy.

"(Y/n)-chan, (Y/n)-chan!" I heard Honey calling for me. I looked over to see him in tears. "I don't know how, but I lost one of my sandals."

I walked over to him and knelt down to his level, "But you were just wearing them, weren't you?"

"Mitsukuni," Mori said from behind me. I moved out of the way and allowed Mori to bend down and place Honey's missing sandal on his foot.

"Takashi?" Honey whimpered.

"I noticed that you dropped it," Mori said.

"Takashi!" Honey attacked Mori with a hug and continued sobbing.

Looks like tears are popular with the ladies today. But how are they all able to cry so easily?

I accidentally bumped into one of the twins and when I did, I saw something fly out of his sleeve. I picked it up; it was a small tube of eye drops.

"What's this?" I demanded.

"For your information, it's common for a host to use eye drops," Kaoru said.

"No woman alive can resist a man on the brink of tears," Hikaru finished.

"Well, this one surely can, and that's cheating." I snapped.

Hikaru wrapped his arm around me and poked my cheek, "Oh, don't be such a party pooper!"

Kaoru pulled something of out his pocket and handed it to me, "Here, (Y/n), this is for you."

It was a little sweet in a container (I'm honestly not sure what it is, but okay) "It's for me?"

"Aren't you the cutest!" they said together.

A couple of my customers walked up to me, "Hey, I didn't know you like sweets, (Y/n)!" one of them said.

"Well, to be honest with you, I don't really. But you know, I think it would be a nice memorial offering for my mother," I said admiring the cute little container.

Tamaki twirled in front of me, "How admirable of you! Such devotion to your mother's memory! Please, (Y/n), take as many of these as you like." He started piling more sweets into my hands.

I noticed the tears in his eyes, "Let me guess, the tears are fake?"

He gasped and stood up straight, "How could you? My tears are always genuine, (Y/n). Being able to cry without the use of eye drops is the mark of a true host. Tell me, do I impress you? Have you fallen for me yet?"

I scoffed at him, "You wish."

"My romantic overtures do not seem to be reaching you for some reason. Perhaps I should add a little more panache to my character, huh?"

In the middle of his sentence I noticed a girl peeking around the corner of the entrance. Tamaki followed my gaze and stopped talking.

We all turned to look at her, "Looks like the host club has a brand-new guest" the twins said. They slid over to the door and offered her roses while whispering to her.

Tamaki ran over to her with a rose in hand also, "Stop that! How many times do I have to tell you boys to be more courteous to our first-time guests? Please, you don't have to be afraid, my princess." He placed a finger under her chin and got really closer to her face, "I welcome you to the Ouran Host Club."

She gasped a little then drew her hand back and slammed it against Tamaki's face. "No! Don't touch me! You're phony!"

We all gasped as Tamaki flew back and crashed into me. I didn't fall over luckily, but I quickly pushed him off of me.

He turned back to the girl who just slapped him, "What do you mean I'm phony?" he said, his words muffled behind his hand.

"Just what I said! You're phony!" she pointed at him, "I find it hard to believe that someone like you is the prince character of this host club! You shouldn't go spreading your love around so easily like that you stupid! You must be a dim-witted narcissist! You're incompetent! You're a commoner! You're disgusting!"

With each insult she spat at him, Tamaki groaned louder as if the words were actually physically hurting him. He finally collapsed to the floor and it took me everything to try not to bust out laughing.

I don't know who this girl is, but I like her already.

"I don't suppose you are..." Kyoya started.

The girl gasped and started running towards Kyoya, "It's you, Kyoya!" She jumped off of Tamaki and wrapped her arms around Kyoya's waist. "Oh, how I've longed to meet you! My one and only prince charming!"

Wait? What?

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