Chapter One

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A/N ~ This is based on the movie characters, but follows the storyline of the books. Even though I love the books, I just thought it would make it easier for people to picture in their minds 😊.

As we cruised through Belfast city, I stared blankly out the car window. Rain began to speckle the glass and the sky is clouded with fog and mist. "I hear this island is lovely in the summer, what is it called again? Cairnholm?" said my Mother, breaking the silence. "Correct Mrs. Moore." Our chauffeur answered. She nodded and pulled her phone out of her purse and started tapping. "You do know where we are going, right Samuel?" Asked my father, without looking up from his laptop, which he brought everywhere.

"Yes Mr. Moore, we are headed to the ferry dock just north of here, there at approximately eight twenty, young Ms. Moore will then board the ferry and will make the three and a half hour journey directly to the island of Cairnholm.". "The headmistress will meet her when she arrives and escort her the children's home.".

"Oh" said my father, completely oblivious to what Samuel had just said, "good."

"Eden?" questioned my mother, "Are you sure you packed everything you need?"

"Yes." I said, rolling my eyes. It's not like she actually cared wether or not I had everything I needed.

"You better behave for this 'Miss Peregrine" she retorted.

Her name is Ms. Peregrine? What a unusual name, although I couldn't say much.

Driving through the heavy traffic, my mind began to wander.


I went to private 'posh' school and it was terribly boring. The walls were grey, the floors were grey, and a dull, grey cloud seemed to hang over the place.

In short I didn't fit in, at least I didn't feel like I did.

I always did well in school. I never failed any tests. It's just the teachers and the other students were obnoxious and boring. I could only stand them for so long, until I needed a break.

Last week, my parents had been called in to see the principal, a teacher had caught me skipping class and dancing the P.E hall.

My parents had had enough. They were busy people, and were definitely not fit to be parents. They were pressured in to having me by my father's mother, so being the naive and gullible people they are, they had me.

It was strange enough that a couple of natural blondes had a baby covered in jet black hair, but they blamed it on genetics and carried on raising me to be the perfect, preppy, social butterfly that you do not see today.

So, in light of recent events they had made the decision start over, put me in a children's home, never to be seen or heard from again, and presumably carry on with their busy lives. Forgetting this whole 'situation' ever happened.

Basically for sixteen years, I was just a big, ongoing, mistake. That was about to be corrected, in the form of a small children's home on an island off the coast of Wales.

The address of the children's home was left in my grandmothers will. Saying to send me there if showed any signs of being 'unusual', and I, according to my Mother, definitely fell into that category.

So here we are, one traffic light away from my new life, and my parents' freedom.


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