Chapter Two

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My earliest memory wasn't necessarily a happy one, my parents had decided to take me to their yacht club to see all their rich friends. While they were drinking champagne and talking about knots, I was left to play on the rail-less dock. In my three year old head the ocean looked like more of an exciting place to be than on land, so with that in mind, I wobbled over to the side and jumped in. What happened next I can only remember as a choir of screams and and being fished out by my collar.

Let's just say that children were no longer allowed into that club, and I was kept away from anywhere that I could fall, drown or trip into, and was raised as a proper lady. Which is another term for marrying a rich business man, and never asking questions. As you have probably assumed, is the opposite of who I want to be.

We pulled into a parking space, Samuel opened my door and I got out, shivering as my ruffled frock flapped in the breeze. The rain has stopped now, but the ground was littered with puddles.

"Eden," sighed my Mother, looking me up and down, "Why didn't you wear the new heels I bought you?"

I glanced down at my scruffed-up leather combat boots and shrug my shoulders. She let out a heavy sigh and and shakes her head.

I couldn't help but feel a pang of guilt. My parents had put up with me for so long, but I just wasn't what they wanted, or could handle. I was disappointing.

I could see a ferry docked at the opposite side of the port. I checked my watch, it's eight fifteen.

I turned to face my parents. "I guess this is good bye then."

My mother smiled softly. "Be safe ok?". I could sense the forced concern in her voice.

"Ok" I said in return. I turned to my father, he pats me on the back, "Have fun kid."

Then I looked at Samuel, "It's been a pleasure working for you Ms.Moore." he said looking at me kindly. I hugged him and whispered, "Don't listen to every thing they say right?"
He chuckled and let me go.

As I was turning to go to the ferry my mother stopped me, "Remember to write, behave and be polite." She said, attempting to fix my messy, black curls. "Oh and take this," she pushed a fat brown envelope into my hands, "Don't open it, your grandmother left it for the headmistress, she said it would explain something."
I nodded and put the letter in my small messenger bag.

A Horn sounded in the distance. I picked up my suitcases and started to walk to the boat, I turned to see Samuel waving. A horn is sounded again. I see men slowly untying the ropes of the ferry. I had to break into a run to avoid being left behind. After setting down my suitcases on the deck, I turned to wave to my parents once more. My face fell, they were gone, they didn't even stay to watch me leave.

I shake it off. Who needs them anyway? Not me.

I went and sat up on the bow of the boat, grabbing a journey map on the way up. With a pencil, I marked out the journey from Belfast to Cairnholm. Suddenly a spray of salt water hit me, I sighed loudly, this was going to be a long ride.

I stood up and leaned on the railings, watching the waves roll and slap against the side of the boat.

A/N~ Sorry the chapters are a bit short but hopefully they will get longer soon 😂😊👍

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