Chapter Thirty-five

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A/N~ so this story is the movie characters in the book plot, although some elements may be subbed in and out, hope that's ok! It's short and bad, but I promise I have good things planned for nest chapter :)

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A/N~ so this story is the movie characters in the book plot, although some elements may be subbed in and out, hope that's ok! It's short and bad, but I promise I have good things planned for nest chapter :)

Eden's P.O.V

I dug out my good pair of suede laced shoes, and slipped them on. I adjusted the waistband of my loose and silky light blue shorts. Throwing my cleanest white wool cardigan over my cream blouse, I stood in front of my bedroom mirror, and pinned a metal blue butterfly pin onto the back of my head, holding back the strands that normally covered my face. Claire had gifted me the ornate pin from her collection. I ran my fingers over my pale face, hoping somehow it would become just a tad less ghostly, sadly to no avail. I reached for the pencil on my bedside table, putting a small x over today on my makeshift calendar. Five days left until I had to demonstrate to Miss Avocet that I could stay. I had absolutely nothing planned. No pressure.

Today we were going to meet Abe Portman's grandson, at least, we hoped it was him. The headmistress seemed certain that she'd saw him. On one of her flies around the modern day island no less, that she does to check for suspicious characters. Of course, Miss P was always right.

Enoch had kept to his room ever since he heard the news of his arrival, but the rest of the house was buzzing with excitement. Miss Peregrine had agreed to let six of us out to see if he's really who we thought his was. I cracked my knuckles out of habit, and taking one last look at myself, I left the room.

Quickly running down the stairs, I saw Miss Peregrine at the bottom, she had something in her hands but I was moving too fast to focus on it. When I reached her, she stopped me.

"Are you going with the others?"

I nodded, she continued. "I'd like you to wear these." She brought what she was holding in view, they were the two metal gauntlet-like things Miss Avocet had given her.

"I thought they were for 'emergency restriction'?" I asked, getting rather defensive.

"I realise that, but in light of Jacob Portman's appearance-"

"You don't want me to scare him off?" I finished her sentence for her, and judging by here facial expression I seemed to have gotten it right.

"Eden-" She began to argue, a sort of pitiful look drawn on her features.

"It's fine." I stopped her bluntly, before holding our both my hands. "I don't want to scare him off either."

She nodded solemnly, then placed the two heavy restraints over my hands as wrists, clicking the two metal bars around them into place. The she finally slotted the key into each keyholes and locked them shut.

I let my arms hang by my sides, feeling them strain from the extra weight. We locked eyes for a moment, before the headmistress spoke again.

"Eden, is something the matter? Did something happen in Belfast that I should know of?"

My mind raced back to Samuel's eye-less face, I could almost hear him yell as the Hollow got him. Did she need to know? The Hollow couldn't possibly know where our loop was, so maybe I should just leave it. She has enough to worry about.

"No, everything went as planned." I replied after a moment of contemplation. I tensed my fingers inside the metal gauntlets.

The headmistress nodded, then said "I'll send the rest in here so you can all leave together." Quickly pivoting, she strutted out to locate the others.


"Shh, I think I hear someone." Whispered Emma, making me and Millard hush. We'd exited into the present through the Cairn, and were now picking our way through the rubble of our house.

We'd decided to split up and search the house, in case this Jacob guy had decided to have a nose around. Miss Peregrine had warned us he could be a wight in disguise, posing as Jacob Portman, and to come straight back if anything was at all suspicious.

We turned the corner, stepping delicately over splintered planks of wood. Emma was leading our expedition, her lead shoes clunking with each step. We were on the once ground floor, above the basement. I noticed a hole in the creaky floorboards a little way ahead of us. It was reasonably large, but looked recent, the bomb didn't make this one.

I nudged Emma and gestured to the hole with a metal encased hand, she nodded understandably. At that moment, the group of Olive, Bronwyn, and the twins rounded another corner, joining us. We all stepped towards the hole in the floor, and peered down into the basement. A dark haired boy was crouched over a suitcase, papers and photos strewn around him. Emma furrowed her brows upon seeing the back of his head, then opened her mouth to speak. I tried to stop her, but it had already left her lips.


The boy looked up at that sound, and his face portrayed his immense surprise, possibly fear. He wasn't Abe anyway, he was pale, eyes a luminescent blue, and had the scrawny body of a teenager. The others muttered amongst themselves, but I kept looking at the boy's shellshocked face. The face that paid for my groceries, when my money was stolen. I knew his name rang a bell.

I glanced at Emma, her face had fallen slightly. Our group backed away from the hole in floorboards slightly. I peered back down there again, but Jacob had vanished. Ran away most likely.

"He gone." Said Bronwyn, a frown plastered on her face. She must've noticed too.

"Well we have to find him, Miss Peregrine wants to see him." Said Olive, the rest of us nodded back. We all looked towards Emma for our plan of action, she thought for a second before speaking.

"Me and Millard will stay and get him. Olive and Eden, could you take the others back?"

I was slightly disappointed in not being able to stay, but nodded. Enoch would be worrying anyway. With that, Emma and Millard broke off from the us to locate Jacob Portman, and Olive and I headed back towards the cairn. I ushered the twins forward with my covered hands, it was extremely hard to do anything in these gauntlets.

As we walked, I wondered how Enoch was going to react to Jacob, I should ask him to be nice, don't want to terrify the boy within the first five minutes.

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