Chapter Five

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The headmistress had just finished giving me a lecture on the history of peculiars, loops and Ymbrynes and I was feeling pretty well educated to say the least.

Sipping the last of her tea, Ms. Peregrine asked "So, do you have any queries?"

Setting down my cup, I said "Just one, If this is a home for peculiar children, then why am I here?"

"Because you're peculiar of course," She replied. "and as you know, us peculiars don't always fit into mainstream society."

"But I'm not peculiar!" I exclaimed. "If I was, I think I might have noticed by now!"

"Eden, I knew you were peculiar the moment I saw you," She replied. "But I believe your life previous to now has, restricted its development, so to speak."

Suddenly I remembered something. The envelope.

Pulling it out of my messenger bag, I handed it to her and said "My grandmother left it in her will, she said to give it to you."

She stared at it for a moment then said "Thank you, I'll open it later, for now let me show your room, you can unpack and then go out to play before dinner."

I nodded and followed her upstairs. As we were heading down the hallway, am extremely well dressed boy wearing a monocle, stopped and shook my hand.

"Horace Somnusson, pleasure." He said in a well educated voice.

"Uh, Eden Moore, nice to meet you." I replied.

He tipped his top hat and continued down the corridor.

"What's his peculiarity?" I asked Ms. Peregrine.

"Oh, Horace has prophetic dreams, his nightmares predict our future, but he mainly dreams about clothes."

"Hmm." I replied.

Ms. Peregrine suddenly stopped walking and turned to the right, facing a small room with a single bed, small dresser, a mirror, and a scratched up desk and chair.

"We usually have two per room but, every one has a roommate at the moment, and Enoch still refuses to share the basement, I'm afraid you'll have this room to yourself." Ms. Peregrine said.

"Fine by me." I said as I sat on the bed and put down my suitcases. I was glad I had my own room, I never liked sharing.

"I must attend to business now, breakfast is at nine every morning and lessons start at ten sharp downstairs, everyone must be in bed by half half eight on weekdays, nine on weekends." Ms. Peregrine. "I think that's everything you need to know."

I smiled and nodded. As the headmistress turned to leave, I said "Oh, and thanks for letting me stay here.". I said it simply to be polite, but she seemed to appreciate it.

"You're very welcome Eden."

I unpacked quickly, throwing my clothes into the dresser. When my suitcases were empty I realised that I hadn't brought any mementos from my old home, just clothes, and some vinyls, since technology wasn't permitted. Compared to the others rooms I'd seen as we'd walked past, my room was bare. Hopefully I'd collect some things as time passed, or didn't in this case.

Quickly checking my appearance in the small mirror above the dresser, I took off my grey scarf as it was a lot warmer in 1940 than 2016. I still had dark reddish circles under my eyes, I'd had them ever since I was little. My mother had attempted to cover them with pounds of makeup but I wouldn't let her, I hated the stuff.

Somewhat happy with my appearance I quickly made my way downstairs and out into the garden, where the two girls ran up to me excitedly.

"Yay! Eden's back" exclaimed Bronwyn.

"I'm back." I laughed.

"So what do you want to do?" Asked Claire, clutching a small brown teddy bear.

"How about you introduce me to everyone?" I suggested. I still was curious to meet all the other peculiars.

"Ok!" Said Bronwyn. She grabbed my arm and started to skip over to the two boys, nearly face-planting me into the ground in the process. Claire was close behind us.

"Say hello to Eden." Said Bronwyn as she presented me in front of the two boys.

One looked around eleven or twelve, the other, well there was nothing to look at, other than a floating flat cap and sweater vest.

"Millard Nullings, and you are?" the invisible boy said.

"Eden Moore, so you're," I said, looking him up and down, his voice sounded young but mature. "Invisible?"

"Yeah." He stated simply, as if it were nothing at all.

"And you are?" I tried to hold in my shock as to not offend him, so I focused on the other boy.

"I'm Hugh." He said, but when he opened his mouth, a fat bumble bee wiggled his way out and nearly flew into my eye.

"Sorry about that, sometimes they just won't stay put." He apologised, he then made an O shape with his mouth, and sucked in, the bee flew straight back into his mouth.

"They live in me, the bees I mean." He explained.

"Oh, that's, interesting." I replied.

"What's your, y'know, thing?" Asked Hugh.

I gulped. I wasn't really prepared to answer this question. Would they laugh? Would they scoff at me?

"I, uh, it's kind of complicated." I said fidgeting nervously.

"We understand completely if you can't show us here." Replied Millard. "You can always demonstrate it at the peculiar talent show."

I nodded, Bronwyn then decided to take me to meet someone else and began to drag me along with her.

"Bronwyn, when's the peculiar talent show?" I asked.

She shrugged "Maybe later this month." She said, not really paying attention.

"There she is!" She exclaimed suddenly, running for a girl with two braids and shy eyes.

Over the course of the next hour I'd been introduced to little Fiona, she was shy at first but soon warmed up to me, we even watched her grow an immense carrot for dinner later. Next was Emma, I complimented her shoes and she explained the purpose they served, she was basically a big human helium balloon, I enjoyed talking to her though. Lastly, I'd met the twins, and despite their creepy outfits and lack of speech, they were pretty friendly towards me.

"Is that everyone?" I asked Bronwyn. Claire had gotten bored and run off to play with the twins.

"No there's still Enoch and Olive." She said leading me into the house and down a short flight of stairs, to what seemed like a basement.

"I think I met Olive, she boiled the kettle for me and Ms.Peregrine." I said.

"Well she's always down here with Enoch." She replied. We stopped in front of a wooden door.

"Aren't you coming in?" I questioned.

The girl shook her head, her brown curls bouncing with it. "It's scary in there."

Putting my hand on the handle of the door, I said "I'll be out in a minute."

As I creaked the door open, I thought to myself, surely it can't be that scary. It's just a basement.

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