Chapter Nine

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A/N~ Sorry this is rushed and not written very well but here ya go...

I quickly joined the others in the sitting room, the younger children were already dressed for bed. A large white screen, was draped at the far end of the room, and a wooden chair was facing it. Miss Peregrine handed out mugs of hot chocolate, which I gratefully accepted, I was still chilly from standing outside for the reset.

Everyone sat down on the sofas, Hugh, Fiona and the twins sat on the floor between them. I found myself the only one who was not yet sitting, looking around for a free seat, I discovered, to my horror, the only seat not yet taken was next to the very person I'd been avoiding since dinner. Gulping, I sat down next to him, l focused all of my attention on the screen and occasionally sipping my hot chocolate.

Horace then sat down in the chair facing directly at the screen, he clipped a strange device onto his eye. It looked like a mix between a telescope and a monocle. Suddenly a bright ray of light shone onto the screen, Horace was using the device as a projector. The screen began to flicker and then figures appeared.

Enoch's P.O.V

She sat beside me, me! Does she not hold grudges or something? This was the closest I'd ever been to her. She smelled of vanilla and old books. The screen flickered and lit up, Eden shifted in her seat.

A little girl with black hair and big, light blue eyes appeared on the screen. She looked around three years old. It seemed as though she had been left all alone on a dock, looking upset. She glanced at the group of people talking loudly in the distance, then wobbled over to the edge of the dock. She looked down at the crashing waves, her toes hanging off the edge. Who in bird's name is this kid?

I heard Eden inhale sharply. Then the little girl jumped, she fell down straight into the water below. Fiona gasped, Claire covered her eyes, even Emma looked shocked. Though the girl didn't even scream, only laughed. She dived and ducked under the waves, giggling the whole time.

Suddenly there was a high pitched shriek, followed by a woman's voice screaming; "Eden! Eden!"

Eden's P.O.V

I knew the moment the little girl looked over the edge of the dock, that she was me. It was one of my most vivid memories. I could practically feel the water rushing over me as I watched. When the woman started screaming my name, everyone looked at me with the strangest expression on their face. Even Miss Peregrine.

Then, on the screen, a mans hand grabbed my younger self's collar and pulled me screeching from the water. When I was safely back on the dock, my father grabbed me by the shoulders and yelled "You stupid, stupid girl!" directly in my face. Then he proceeded to hit me across the head. Tears began to stream down my little face,  after that the screen went dark.

Everyone was silent, they stared at me but when I looked back at them they didn't make eye contact. Even Enoch looked at me, his brows furrowed. Miss Peregrine noticed that I wasn't feeling the most comfortable, so she ushered the little kids out.

"Come now, movie's over, off to bed."

As they past her, I could here them ask her worriedly "Was that Eden?", "Why did she jump in?" and "Why did that man hit her?". The headmistress brushed off these questions and hurried them up the stairs. Horace took out his eyepiece and said a formal goodnight, smiling sadly at me as he walked past, like he was saying sorry.

That left only me, Olive, Emma and Enoch left in the room. I stared at the floor, until Olive stood up and stood in front of me. "We should go and get ready for bed, you've had a long day after all."

I nodded, standing up. I was glad to leave, the tension was unbearable. I hadn't realised until now, how tired I really was.

When me and Olive arrived outside my room, she said "After lessons tomorrow, how about we ask Miss P if we could go for a stroll around the island? I'm sure she'd agree."

"I'd like that." I smiled. I was glad she decided not to bring up what she saw earlier.

"Goodnight Eden."

"Goodnight Olive."

I changed into some comfortable sleepwear and pulled the thick woolly blanket that I was left for me, up to my chest. It took me a long time to get to sleep that night. The dream that had been shown replaying itself in my mind, until I drifted of to sleep.

 The dream that had been shown replaying itself in my mind, until I drifted of to sleep

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